RT @Napoleonlegal@twitter.com: @munafo@twitter.com Twitter, FB, et al., ebay, et al. have turned into a steaming pile of human waste with little or no moral compass, honor or reservations, Even as the economy improves I witness unfathomable greed, prevarication and moral turpitude. The "people" have been freed and so enjoy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Napoleonlegal/status/1038520582197760000
This author spins a disturbing tale of academic gatekeeping. Thoughts?
(Link originally posted Mastodon by @rnitsch.)
"Two-thirds (68 percent) of American’s [six] who identify as libertarians are men, and 94 percent are non-hispanic whites."
Also interesting is the comment that "fringe movements tend to be dominated by men". Judging by the photos, the leaders of the National Popular Vote project (https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/about) are all white men. It's fringy in that most people haven't heard of it, but it may succeed in its one very specific goal.
Tell HN: Using Gmail? You will be force logged into Chrome
#hackernews #tech
trunk - a tool to mass-follow a list of people on Mastodon https://alexschroeder.ch/cgit/trunk/about/
@blair are people really saying #BlockChain protects privacy? #FacePalm What they might means is #P2P - ie serverless apps, so no corporate #DataFarmers - but people need to be educated that those two terms are not interchangeable. It's possible for centralized orgs to make use of blockchains, and lot's of P2P tools don't use them
Aww yeah. Just flexing our TXs :)
RT @Bitcoin@twitter.com In the past 24 hours, Bitcoin Cash #BCH has accounted for 64.7% of ALL cryptocurrency transactions.
Chart from http://bitinfocharts.com
#BitcoinCash #Cryptocurrency #blockchain
Bookmark: Smart Contracts as Evidence: Trust, Records, and the Future of Decentralized Transactions https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-94-024-1202-4_28-1 This looks like an interesting mix of Internet research and archival theory by @krisbcorn #blockchain #archive #trust #standard
Can New 5G Technology and Smart Meters be Used as Weapons? https://healthimpactnews.com/2017/can-new-5g-technology-and-smart-meters-be-used-as-weapons/
RT @4thAnon
Google and Apple’s Systems to Track you in Person: What the Media Isn’t Telling You https://astutenews.com/2018/09/07/google-and-apples-systems-to-track-you-in-person-what-the-media-isnt-telling-you/
RT @MaxBlumenthal
It seems increasingly clear that Israeli evacuation of Syrian insurgents on August 22 through the occupied Golan Heights exploited the White Helmets name for public relations cover. How many actual White Helmets were even among the evacuees? https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201809071067819544-Israel-Islamist-Commanders-Syria-White-Helmets/
RT @nytimesworld
Trump administration officials held secret talks with Venezuelan military officers plotting a coup, including one on the American government’s sanctions list https://trib.al/loW1WFd
RT @JosephOMarcus
Roger Waters deserves Nobel peace prize https://twitter.com/rogerwaters/status/1038212442298494976
RT @Jordan_Sather_@twitter.com: It’s sad how difficult it is to have a deeper spiritual or philosophical conversations with some folks because they instantly get triggered and revert back into their “anything not in my religious beliefs is Luciferian!” bubble.
That’s exactly where the Deep State wants you.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/1038415664925425669