@Vigdisol that is true. I’ve also seen some novel coating solutions being developed; ultimately, the most eco-centric solution should hopefully prevail, one that accounts for all stakeholders in material choices (community, souring, feasibility, lifecycle etc). Truly calls for a systems thinking approach to these emergent technologies. A recent article I wrote, which might of interest; https://www.formresilience.com/how-fungi-could-decarbonize-the-critical-metals-landscape/
@AjaanMark Interesting insight you share. In terms of the internalised value of writing - I do feel that is a key point. My internal desire for sustainable stewardship on our planet resonates so deeply within me; the only tuning fork to harmonize these feelings is through the art of writing (albeit being a rather amateur practitioner of it outside the remit of technical reporting). E.g: https://www.formresilience.com/what-can-a-matriarch-teach-us-about-leadership/
@Davidtoddmccarty Thanks for sharing, will look into it
@richardwerskine Thanks for sharing. Fully agree with this notion - Fusion certainly merits more coverage. Ultimately, bias is like dust, it is all around us, only the waters of objectivity can settle and sweep it.
I wonder if fungi could make it to higher echelons of the hype scale, it does hold much promise within the sustainability space;
@HelenLDavies Lovely photo. That is fascinating, what makes them translucent?
The humble toadstool could also be a feature within the sustainable “fungal” mines of the future;
@SAOCousins great painting!
@Vigdisol always happy to connect with others who have also worked with embrittlement in steels. A few months ago I was supporting a project at SWERIM (Sweden) seeking to develop 2GPa press-hardening steels that had better hydrogen resistance (deep trap formation; carbon vacancies at coherent / semi-coherent interface of nano-sized carbides). The topic of hydrogen and steels merits much research; it seems critical for our future H2 economy / infrastructure
@MediaHelpingMedia Thanks for taking the time to read it. Responsible journalism is needed more than ever during these times. Given some time working within the sustainability space - the need for systems thinking, objectivity (journalism) and authentic leadership cannot be overstated.
@luke @empiricism agreed. Signing off now, time for bed here in the alps. Nice talking to you. I’m a bit new to Mastodon, will be back, seems a nice community on here :)
@luke @empiricism I know. Despite their large frame, there is more than meets the eye with regards to elephants. I still have many questions; how are they so connected to lost members of the herd, (in the book i reference) - how did the herd “sense” that Lawrence (their befriended human) had died? As a physicist - I tend too easily towards the entanglement of consciousness, maybe science can start to unpack this in the coming years. Penrose’s OR Theory a fascinating start …
@luke @empiricism But given her focus on social learning and encouraging the learning of her peers - there was another elephant that could step into her shoes. But what boggles the mind - is How the herd can remember the approximate time (within a few days) the old Matriarch died - they go to the place she died and pay their respects. That is truly compelling I think (Part2/2)
@luke @empiricism Thanks for reading it. Well that’s an interesting point. My wife is from Africa, so during my visits to see her family I became fond of a very old elephant matriarch, and six months ago she sadly died. (Part1/2)
@Prof_Klinger A very poignant topic. I have worked quite extensively within the sustainability / critical metals space and I do strongly feel that we need more systems thinking (including all the stakeholders you noted) when assessing sustainable emergent technologies. I wrote a recent piece on the potential of the humble fungus, it may be of interest;
@empiricism @luke all the best with the studies
@annetteJBE thanks for sharing - they truly are magnificent creatures. They also embody a style of leadership that we would be wise to learn from;
@empiricism @luke Interesting debate. I’m a physicist, but I have deeply pondered these topics such as entropy in the brain during prayer / NDEs and also explored the role of quantum mechanics in DNA. Few articles on my website that touch on these themes. One of more recent ones touches on the display of altruism within a Matriach Elephant - your reflections very welcome :)
@cplong @humetricshss Very much enjoyed reading this. I wonder if Ethical Imagination shares the same dimensions as Altruism? Here is a recent piece I wrote about altruism within the context of leadership;
@esheninger Thanks for sharing. Completely agree with the need to build capacity in others. You might be interested in my recent article that also highlights the importance of this;
@MediaHelpingMedia Thanks for highlighting the role of sustainability journalism. Here are the humble beginnings of my own vision for a not-for-profit sustainability journalism;
Any tips / advice very welcome :)
@ArrowbearMoore Fully agree. Putting profits aside and prioritising an altruistic care for humanity; the humble fungus holds great promise in the sustainability space;
A father and husband to my beloved family. Passionate about Farming & Science (a physicist by background), Works in AIoT & Green Tech., Likes Art, Photography and Writing. Website: www.formresilience.com