RT @AdrianoAguzzi
In an impetus of unrequested mentorship, I just gave advice to an applicant who addressed me as "Dear Dr. Sarah Hopp". It was well-received and met with gratitude.

Training for new instruments is always a great opportunity to refresh know-how and revise common lab practices @Cytiva @DBB_UniPV @unipv

RT @ericamarson
7 dipartimenti
8 t-labs
62 ricercatori
341 iscritti al

Parte ufficialmente ITIR. @unipv

RT @ArmeniseHarvard
📢The call for the Career Development Award Grant is now open! Supporting working abroad and willing to open their independent labs in 👩‍🔬🧪🔬

💵$200,000 per year, for 3-5 years

🗓️Deadline: July 15

🔗Apply here: armeniseharvard.org/apply/care

RT @loicaroyer
PI trying to finish a paper despite incessant problems, meetings, and a million other distractions.

RT @istsupsan
🦠Lotta alle emergenti, oggi kick off meeting del nodo 'Epi mod' del progetto INF-ACT, finanziato da , di cui fanno parte 25 tra atenei nazionali, enti pubblici e privati, @unipv capofila con e @CNRsocial_
Per saperne di più inf-act.it/

RT @ChenxinLi2
Tm calculators & optimal annealing temperatures for PCR is a myth (for the most part). Each set of 8 is a temperature gradient of annealing temp ranging from 55-70C. As you can see all tested temperatures look the same.

A big box in front of the lab entrance makes a wonderful time! @DBB_UniPV @unipv @refeynit @eu_next @mur_gov_