RT @BibdesPonts
#LundiInfo👉À ne pas manquer dans le hall du bât. Carnot de l'@EcoledesPonts : Hommage à #AaronSwart. Une exposition proposée par le pôle IST de la direction de la documentation. Disponible sur @hal_fr➡️https://bit.ly/3WZqT8A #AaronSwartzDay #openaccess #sciencesouvertes
RT @Thatsregrettab1
Shame on @PNASNews for publishing this retraction notice describing "errors" in figure preparation. Lanes don't duplicate themselves. Check out the @PubPeer thread. 😾
RT @MarcGuyon
#Covid19 : je pensais qu’on avait tout vu en termes de stupidités en 2020, mais l’homme est toujours capable d’aller plus loin.
RT @paolagorigiorgi
Imo one of the best explanations to this was by David Graeber in https://thebaffler.com/salvos/of-flying-cars-and-the-declining-rate-of-profit
"There was a time when academia was society’s refuge for the eccentric, brilliant, and impractical. No longer. It is now the domain of professional self-marketers"
RT @ddemortain
10 jours pr postuler comme ingénieur de recherche @CNRS pour la plateforme @CorTexT_team
@umr_lisis. N'hésitez pas à m'écrire ou à @ScTechViz
pour vous informer et nous rejoindre! #sciencessocialescomputationnelles #SNA #NLP #scientometrics👉https://tinyurl.com/9tumvup
📢Submit your abstract for @Euspri_Forum 2023 Conference on #Research with #Impact
14 - 16 June 2023 @SussexUBusiness
⬇️Including special sessions on topics like transformative #innovation, the societal impact of research, funding cultures & more http://bit.ly/3ESJICz
Faites le plein d'infos en matière de #sciences #sport #training #coaching [...] en découvrant nos articles, actualités et interviews dans le nouveau numéro de INSEP Le Mag=> https://bit.ly/3Qd8UsB
Ce mois-ci focus sur le Sport Data Hub au coeur de la #performance des athlètes.
RT @umr_lisis
Projection du documentaire « Le Bateau Ivre » L’utopie en chantier, en présence du réalisateur Xavier Selva- le 19/01/2023 à 17h UGE Bâtiment Copernic
#utopiesréelles @UGustaveEiffel @_IFRIS @xavierselva
Les fonctionnaires pourront cumuler leur emploi avec la conduite d'un bus scolaire
RT @jljcolorado
@JVLazarus The conclusion that masks work, and that better masks are needed to address the DOMINANT airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is the consensus of almost 400 international experts in the major DELPHI study led by @JVLazarus in @Nature:
RT @opencitations
We are #hiring! Call for applications now open (deadline: 28 February 2023) for a 12-month Research Fellow position to work on managing and developing the technical infrastructure of #OpenCitations - more info at: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=66012
#openscience #OAinfra #semanticweb
RT @MicrobiomDigest
Is this a new type of "the dog ate my homework" excuse on PubPeer?
Author's reply: "Yes, there is a problem, but these images are just illustrations. They do not contain the actual data."
RT @sops4ri
After four years of intensive work @sops4ri has released the final version of the Toolbox (https://sops4ri.eu/toolbox/)! Do not miss the opportunity to go through it, be inspired, and use it!
RT @TAjournal
📢 #CallForAbstracts “Assessing the (de)construction of technological hypes” for TATuP 3/2023
📨 Submit your abstract until 3 February 2023!
Guest editors: Jascha Bareis (@ITAS_KIT/@hiig_berlin) @MaxRossmann (@FasosMaastricht) & @freddie2310 (@umr_lisis)
Bibliometrician at École des Ponts @EcoledesPonts
Researcher at LISIS @umr_lisis
@_Nano_Bubbles team member