RT @kembellec
Rappellons que samedi c'est la journee mondiale du jardinage nu. C'était important de le rappeller.
RT @opencitations
📢Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2023 (Bologna 26-27 October 2023) @workshop_oc
📌Application deadline: 21 May 2023 https://ficlit.unibo.it/it/notizie/workshop-on-open-citations-and-open-scholarly-metadata-2023-bologna-26-27-october-2023 #unibo @UniboDHDK
RT @geographiecites
🧐ARCS, revue d’analyse de #réseaux en #SHS : le portage de cette épirevue en #OpenAccess diamant fait partie de la politique mise en place par @geographiecites pour soutenir et développer la #Science ouverte. @GeoMaisonobe
RT @LeidenMadtrics
As scholarly communication is getting more diverse and transparent, demands for reliable information on platforms’ policies increase. The Journal Observatory aims to connect the dots and provide a high-quality overview. @neesjanvaneck @LudoWaltman @tonyR_H https://www.leidenmadtrics.nl/articles/the-journal-observatory-connecting-information-on-scholarly-communication
RT @maoviedogarcia
Evolución de las publicaciones en #IJERPH de #MDPI
Febrero 2023➡️1767 papers publicados
Marzo 2023➡️983 papers publicados
Abril 2023 ➡️328 papers publicados
Más detalles en https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph/stats
RT @RickyPo
Including an interview with Alexandra Elbakyan in which she anticipates that Sci-Hub will become a museum. https://radiolab.org/podcast/library-alexandra
RT @rn_msh
#Appel à #projets du RnMSH 2023 : les projets de recherche doivent être inter-MSH, interdisciplinaires, entre différentes disciplines SHS et s'ouvrir vers les sciences de la vie et de la terre ! Ils doivent utiliser les plateformes et services des MSH
RT @NaudetFlorian
"Think outside the box." https://twitter.com/HumansNoContext/status/1651930955127349249
RT @RHaunschild
Free hybrid workshop on "new approaches for extracting heterogeneous reference data"
on May 15/16, 2023. The program can be found here:
The registration page is here:
RT @TheCrankyPsych1
@mumumouse @mumumouse is eager to expose scientific fraud, and the ease with which she finds blatant evidence of it is an embarrassment to journals, editors, and authors involved. Instead of implying a sinister agenda, why don't you @angelosurpsenen ask yourself why there is so much fraud?
RT @27point7
🔥 https://twitter.com/SergeZaka/status/1651696547166318595
RT @DORAssessment
📢Register for the Africa, Americas, & Europe #DORAat10 Plenary!
⭐Opening remarks: @Stephen_Curry
⭐Keynote: @sarahderijcke
⭐Panel discussion: @KarenStroobants @sciencysteph @yolandiswa & Judith Sutz
📅May 16
RT @NicoMartinFC
Précommandes par ici : https://arenes.fr/livre/la-naissance-du-savoir/
RT @gcabanac
🎙️Interviewed in @Spectrum about a recent retraction by @SpringerNature: “Journal retracts #autism paper after spotting ‘tortured phrases’” by @avaskham https://doi.org/10.53053/OXMJ1455 — See the related @PubPeer report signalling the tortured phrases: https://pubpeer.com/publications/14851703B34A0E6D932D7B88EFFBB5
RT @NaudetFlorian
Slides are now ready for tomorrow... @RoRInstitute @OSIRIS4r
Final outcomes of #JournalObservatory project have been released https://www.journalobservatory.org/.
Great collaboration with Bram v/d Boomen, @neesjanvaneck, @tonyRH and Serge Horbach.
Very proud of impressive technical work by Bram and Nees at @cwts. Scholarly publishing faces huge infrastructure challenges. First-class technical expertise is essential to tackle these challenges.
Try out Journal Observatory Browser https://app.journalobservatory.org/ to experience the power of #JournalObservatory infrastructure.
RT @PreparedEU
Ethics dumping, fast-track publishing, data sharing, public trust and more. SAGE @Research_Ethics is taking submissions for a special issue on research ethics and integrity matters in crisis situations. Deadline 30th Nov 2023! http://ow.ly/TLGh50NR8lw
RT @hug_sven
There is a new and exciting alternative to Google Scholar:
OpenAlex, the second largest database after Google Scholar, launched the beta version of its web GUI today.
Go check it out!
Congratulations to the OpenAlex team! 🥳 👏
Bibliometrician at École des Ponts @EcoledesPonts
Researcher at LISIS @umr_lisis
@_Nano_Bubbles team member