Solidarity with #UCU #strike today! (and tomorrow and next Wednesday) #ucuRISING #UCUstrikeback over unjustifiable pension cuts and the four fights: Working & Learning Conditions, Casualization & Precarity, Inequality, and Pay
* [Here's an excellent introduction to the ongoing dispute](
* [Here's a deeper dive into the issues](
* [Here are some Staff Student Solidarity Testimonials](
Postgraduate researcher studying #CondensedMatter, in particular #SoftMatter, #ActiveMatter, #MolecularBiology, #CellBiology, #PhaseTransitions, and #ComplexSystems using the tools of #TheoreticalPhysics, #BioPhysics, #StatisticalPhysics, #FluidDynamics, #ComputationalPhysics, and #Simulation.
For instance, one of the projects I'm working on at the moment addresses #universality in active #turbulence with #spectral techniques. A related project predicts a new microphase separation regime in inhomogeneous active #nematics by simulating the coupled #CahnHilliard, #NavierStokes, and #BerisEdwards equations. Another project develops a #FieldTheory of the #orderphobic effect, a nonspecific interaction between #transmembrane bodies anchored in a #lipid #bilayer.
My other interests include #cycling, #ArchLinux, #Linux, #LibreSoftware, learning #Korean, #yoga, #calisthenics, #singing, #autonomy, #Cooperatives, #DeliberativeDemocracy, #CitizensAssemblies, #ParticipatoryDemocracy, #DemocraticInnovation, #OpenDemocracy, #LibertarianSocialism, #RightToRepair, #democracy, #humanism, #rationalism, #OpenScience, #science, #CommunityEmpowerment, #community, #commons, #research, #wikis, #governance.