
@Atom Well yes and no. I dont know the exact numbers but I suspect it accounts for maybe half of all beef production. Pretty much all beef from the midwest would fit in this category. Let me see if i can research and get some numbers...

@Atom Ok so rough estimate would be from the percentage of factory farms raising beef. So seems about 75% of beef is "factory farmed" in america. So probably something like ~25% of beef in the USA is free range. So not an insignificant percentage at all. Though I'll admit much smaller than it should be if we are trying to optimize food production.

Though i guess if we really want to pick this apart we need to break it down by calorie not by weight. 1KG of beef provides far more calories than 1KG of most plants. So we would have to dig a bit deeper to really see what the numbers are saying here.

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@freemo Yeah, I think it's mostly the western world who grows its meat this way..

@freemo Absolutely, its a pretty complex problem though.. But 25% is still pretty much, I didn't expect that!

@Atom Yea, its one thing i learned from being in montana. They raise a lot of cattle there and i talked to several of the farmers and asked why they didnt raise crops instead (thinking it would be more profitable). They all said the same thing, that their land simple is not suitable for crops since even the flat land is all rocks.

@Atom Yea it was an eye opener to me as well. I was a vegitarian for a while (not currently) and many of my friends still are. So some of the details i had, while still generally valid, were a bit skewed/idealistic as these things tend to go.

@freemo Hmm, but at least you tried it! I’m still counting on ‘printed’ food for the future, we can make it taste like meat but put in the right building blocks for the human body! :-)

@Atom I am still a huge supporter of vegitarian when the argument is purely moral. My issue is i gained a lot of weight going veggie and just couldnt get enough protein for the sort of diet i needed. But still a supporter of it.

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