So finally got the more expensive fountain pen in made by TWSBI, All the others I showed before were knock offs, much cheaper, by wings. The knock offs were nice but the original certainly writes way better. Here are the two side by side, both using the same ink (OX Blood). Not only was the flow much more consistent from the TWSBI but the ink actually looks noticeably darker despite having the same stroke width. Both pens use Extra Fine Nibs. The TWSBI is the clear winner even at 5x the cost.
The difference in color was so significant I thought maybe I just didnt mix the ink before filling the cheaper pen. Nope, even after dumping the ink and refilling it with freshly mixed ink the color is exactly the same.
@PunaisetPimpulat Yea it does occassionally skip. It isnt just a matter of velocity no matter how slow I take the other pen the ink is always lighter. Only way I can get it to be darker is if i go over the same line a few times.
@freemo Sounds like a very dry nib then. SBRE Brown made a good video on fixing that.
Making anything cheap usually involved cutting some corners, like quality control. Most likely that's exactly what happened with this cheap knock off pen too, so you might want to try making out wet.
@PunaisetPimpulat Thanks I'll check this out
I have the Diamond 580AL in a medium nib. It's OK, but a bit dry & scratchy, but I like the ink capacity.
Interesting. It would seen that the ink just doesn't flow very well in the cheaper one. I would expect it to start skipping too, if you write quickly. You could test that by just drawing some lines with both pens at the same velocity.