Attached are some older pictures of blackholes that predate the one released today, they are real, not simulations. Enjoy.
Just a reminder. Today's "first-ever" picture of a blackhole is not the first-ever. We have countless pictures of blackholes. This is just the first time we have been able to resolve the event horizon such that it takes up more than a single pixel. But like with all blackholes the blackhole itself is invisible and all you can see is the gravitational lensing around it. Something we have had for decades now.
It isnt the first ever photo of a blackhole, it is just the highest resolution of a blackhole we have.
@RomeoTBravo It is extremely cool and very amazing indeed. I am just a stickler for accuracy is all.
As I understand it interferometry isnt just about how far apart your constituent telescopes are but how many of them you have as well. If you really want to have useful interferometry in space you'd need a cloud of telescopes. Doable, but a bit more expensive. It also would have to orbit since just having one at each lagrange point wouldnt help as much.