@auramun@anarchism.space Historically the word race was abused and used largely in unscientific ccircles. Yes I am not naive to the risks of someone with racist intent using the discussion for their racist agenda, historically that has happened quite often.
Also historically race has had many different definitions many of them were wrong.
That is one reason that we scientists try to distance ourselves a bit fromt he language. We tend to use the word "populations" rather than "race" as a result of the euphemism treadmill (if you dont know that term i can explainw hat I mean).
But by in large when we say "populations" we just mean a less controversial word for "race" really. We tend to say things like "The northern nigerian people" or something to that effect to avoid words like race.
Also "black" is not a race by any scientific analogy, neither is white. Those are just skin tones.