For anyone interested here is a video I just took of me doing Copperplate with my flex pen.
@Rovine All my flex pens are fountain. I do have dip pens too but I find them much harder to work with particularly on the up stroke. Other people love them though.
They dont have tipping material like fountain pens do. So they dont have the same smooth feel youd get from a fountain pen.
Honestly though i have a noodlers flex, it railroads like crazy. If you want to get into flex-style writing you will spend a few months just buying pens ink and paper until you find a combo that woks well. Flex can be a bit frustrating at first.
Even now if i take my most expensive pen and put a different ink in it it will railroad a bit.
Ahh in that cast practice and use what works and is enjoyable
I didn't have a lot of problem with railroading, with either noodler or nikko G dip nib, but I have shaky hands that just need practice to get better I think.