If you are on mastodon you are here for good content. And from Indian twitter minority voices plays an important role, one of my favourite minority voices who isn’t scared to speak the truth to anyone is someone you should be following if you are here. He explains how minorities are treated in India. Some of you may loathe him but that’s fine, listen to him and then loathe him , so follow @OpusOfAli 💓💓



I will check out his posts thanks.

I am curious, what groups would you consider "minority" in india. From the perspective of an American or a Dutch person (the cultures I know best) an indian would be considered a minority, of course in india they are the majority. So what groups are usually the minorities there?


@freemo @OpusOfAli Hindus are majority, Muslims, Christians, sikhs are the larger groups of religious minorities who have faced communal violence. Parsis, Jains are religious minorities who are not largely affected. Muslims right now are targeted by the fascists ruling India

@Deepsealioness @freemo @OpusOfAli Plus Dalits communities were persecuted by powers for god knows how long.

@Karthikdeva @freemo @OpusOfAli yes Dalits are a part of Hindus but they are treated as lower class still and face extreme violence


It is very sad , also Kashmir an entire state has been under lockdown for almost 100 days now ! Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state in India. We don’t have any idea what is happening because they cut of Internet on August 5th



Holy hell how did I not hear of that! That sounds scary.

One thing QOTO provides for some is a way to ensure their posts wont get taken down by governments. In the past I've heard this said by several chinese members of the group. I am proud to offer that service and should the chinese government ever try to stop us we would of course refuse (one reason we host our servers in many redundant locations, particularly the data).

Sounds like india might be going down a similar path of censorship and if that is so, that is very scary :(


@freemo @Deepsealioness @OpusOfAli
This is something you can never find if you look at Indian Media. Minorities are losing their voices. A mere expression of opinion will get them killed. I'm sadly not exaggerating any of this.

@freemo @OpusOfAli we will be talking more about Kashmir next week when it enters 100th day of lockdown. Today we had #Ayodhya verdict after 25 plus years where a 16th century mosque was demolished by supremacists saying the mosque was built over a temple and today our courts gave the land to The very supremacists who broke down the mosque. Our situation is very very bad


indeed what a scary time for the indian people right now :( Sadly I saw a few peope praising the verdict and i didnt know enough at the time to have an opinion of that praise, I thought it was a good thing until now... I am obviously dismayed at having seen so much support.


@freemo @Deepsealioness @OpusOfAli Am a Hindu and am ashamed of the verdict as I feel it is gross injustice to the Muslims.


I am happy to hear about your compassion towards another group. We need more of you :)

@Deepsealioness @OpusOfAli

@tariqueanwar @freemo @Deepsealioness @OpusOfAli Sorry bro. Don’t lose hope there are lot of us who feel the same way.

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