Random question, hoping for interaction ☺️
Do any of you have specific dreams (nightmares) when they are extra stressed.
Due to some life crap combining at the moment I am quite stressed. And I’ve noticed that my reoccurring nightmare always is the same: “I’m back to being a first timer high school student- 12/13. And I have to navigate all these classrooms and new schedules in this humongous building. New teachers, tall older kids. The room numbers are always in the hundreds, I’m always late”
@ErikaDesign Sometimes. I find i have dreams anytime my life has notable shit going down.
I dont often have recurring dreams
@ErikaDesign not that odd.. its a pretty stereo typical time period to dream about.
@ErikaDesign my guess is that you are either reminded of stressors in highschool or wish you were back in that time period as an escape from stress
But yea the whole going to class without pants on dream is probably the most sterotypical dream people have
@freemo hahaha teaching without pants on- that dream I had - while teaching- right before my burnout 😂😂 And no I never want to go back to that time, nor back to student days, so I’m guessing it’s the stressor reminders. The feeling of confusion and powerless-ness
@freemo Is it haven’t had it for years, and then three times last week. When I was in the middle of my burnout it was only about trains and traveling and obstacles and tripping and missing connections 😂 I get tired thinking about it.
Never been into dreaming and dream explaining though.