@yaksha You realize that is only unique to israel and is the result of the fact that such a huge portion of the population that is vulnerable is vaccinated (90%+ of those over 50 years old)..

So this is perfectly normally and in no way suggests a problem. If the majority of the population is vaccinated than the majority of new cases will be vaccinated.

@yaksha Not entirely true. Mild cases of the disease shows the antigen fades over time. So only if you had a really bad infection would it be equivalent to the vaccine. Thats one reason why the vaccine is generally recommended regardless.

@freemo @yaksha yeah millions of years of evolution are wrong, some experimental shit that they could never make work before is right. What a fucking Redditor
@freemo @yaksha if you had a mild case it means your immune system is working pretty well so you don't need it either, faggot


The people who wind up with severe cases of the disease dont have weak immune systems. You can easily have a mild case with one infection and then a severe one later on.




I am a professional SCUBA diver who dives over 400 feet depths and into underwater huge cave systems... If i were scared about my health I have much bigger concerns than COVID.


@freemo @yaksha you're a Redditor LARPing as an indian 😂😂😂😂😂, what a fucking faggot


Oh my, what an idiot I am for embracing my racial heritage and learning about it.. yea soooo gayyy, LOL


@freemo @yaksha yeah yeah your great grandma told you she was 1/4 Cherokee 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@freemo @yaksha you're either White or Jewish, you're not half Native American and you know it. Shameful


Whatever you say, I'm pretty sure I know what my race is.. god your a moron.


@freemo @yaksha how much Affirmative Action money have you grifted? The true family business
@MechaSilvio @freemo @yaksha mayflower descendant and an injun... this is starting to sound made up.


As I stated, im half indian, obviously its my other half that came over on the mayflower. My non-indian half is quite famous and there are quite a few lineage books written about that half of my family. so it would be rather trivial for you to verify.

@MechaSilvio @yaksha

@MechaSilvio @freemo @travis @yaksha Witnessing a realtime Boom Breaking, good stuff. Put that boy in its place.
@freemo @MechaSilvio @yaksha going by your avatar there is no way you are half injun.
@freemo @travis @MechaSilvio @yaksha

Holy shit lmao imagine trying to present yourself as some kind of super genius Data Soyentist but unironically believing tall tales about how grandpa fucked a Cherokee Princess lmfaoooo
@DK_Dharmaraj @freemo @travis @yaksha "You will never pass" copypasta, but about a white boi pretending to be Noble Savage
@MechaSilvio @DK_Dharmaraj @freemo @travis @yaksha

You will never be a real Native. You have no eagle spirit, you have no strength of the bear, you have no rain dances. You are a caucasian man twisted by Westerns and American Spirits into a crude mockery of a Native American.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock your feather headdress. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of your loincloth, your “friends” laugh at your Listerine addiction behind closed doors.

Chief Running Water is utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of years of spirit journeys have allowed him to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even whites who “live on the rez” look uncanny and unnatural to a red man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Shaman home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a glimpse of your knockoff dreamcatcher from Amazon.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you're wise like the owl, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a serpent mound, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a peace pipe, fill it with poisonous herbs, and smokum your way into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable pipe-playing and smoke signals. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a white man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no Indian Giving.
@SuperMailFatality @MechaSilvio @DK_Dharmaraj @freemo @travis @yaksha
>you’ll buy a peace pipe, fill it with poisonous herbs, and smokum your way into the cold abyss.

@SuperMailFatality @travis @DK_Dharmaraj @MechaSilvio @freemo @yaksha@qoto.org

Nevermind guys. This Dr. Farto being the fascist retard he is SUSPENDED my qoto.org account after asking me my "STEM" credentials. LMAO. Dude 😄 you suck. You are a disgrace to decentralized networking and a laughing stock. 🤣

BTW this whole discussion with the stalinist science cult leader will be deleted after 24 hours. As I won't keep the data and my account is suspended. LOL what a joke.


You might wanna read this out to the listeners on the next show. There are people who need to hear this message.
@freemo @travis @MechaSilvio @yaksha you're not half indian, you scarcely have any Indian blood at all (if any) judging by the looks of all that facial hair
@MechaSilvio @freemo @yaksha
Proud member of the Yamnaya tribe as well as a descendent of Ancient Aryans.


Data Science, much of which has been in the healthcare sector and specifically on disease proliferation.

@MechaSilvio @yaksha

@freemo @sickburnbro @yaksha a literal Soyentist, can't make this shit up LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Aww poor boy who never accomplished a damn thing in his life is sad cause his poor ego is bruised to see people who are successful.

@sickburnbro @yaksha

@freemo @MechaSilvio @yaksha Actually I was referring to "I am a professional SCUBA diver who dives over 400 feet depths and into underwater huge cave systems..."

A professional does things like repairs on underwater pipe.


Ohhh, I train others to SCUBA dive as well as collect samples for scientific study.

@MechaSilvio @yaksha

@icedquinn @freemo @MechaSilvio @sickburnbro @yaksha
he collects samples of semen underwater and judging by his size he's the best researcher out there
@freemo @MechaSilvio @yaksha You should understand then that people here tend to have a much wider breath of experience than you might imagine.
@freemo @sickburnbro @yaksha data soyentists don't make that much money dude, nor they accomplish shit. Oh you can use R and Tableau and Python, wow dude so cool dude 🙄🙄🙄
@freemo @MechaSilvio @sickburnbro @yaksha Imagine bragging about unverifiable personal success to a bunch of anons who are A. not stupid enough to share personal details on the internet in CY+6 and B. far more likely to be as successful as you are than you'd be willing to believe

Then again, I shouldn't be surprised to see this from a non-MD who refers to himself as Dr. because he needs to justify his decade of overpriced education to his ego.


Sorry can't hear you over the waves crashing against my yacht, speak up please.

@MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @yaksha

@freemo @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @yaksha Guy, a 20ft pontoon isn't a yacht, no matter what the salesman told you


To be fair a lot of the best engineers are scientists (and some of the best arent). I make **way** more money off of the clients that give me more engineering-type work than the research science i do. In fact the science i do is largely to ensure I get better pay when consulting on engineering projects.

@MechaSilvio @sickburnbro @TurboNormie @yaksha

@icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @freemo @yaksha Many people who do not respect degrees do so because they've had enough experience with holders of degrees
@sickburnbro i don't know why doctorates are the only ones who get a cool prefix. although technically any degree lets you have one of a fancy array of suffices.

@MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @freemo @yaksha
@icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @freemo @yaksha This is the fatal flaw of engineers; they're too focused on building physical and not enough on building social.


The irony is I am very much against degrees and tell people they shouldnt bother getting them **if** they can learn the material at a n expert level on their own. Just gave that advice yesterday in fact.

I also dont usually bring up my degrees outside of the STEM community.

@icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @yaksha

@freemo @icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @yaksha What if I told you there are forums of extremely intelligent people who shitpoast anonymously because they want to leave egos out of it


I dont care about shitposting in general. Its not about the shit posting.

@icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie @yaksha


I do. I am judging people on the things they assert, not what noise they add when saying it.

@icedquinn @MechaSilvio @TurboNormie

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