@yaksha You realize that is only unique to israel and is the result of the fact that such a huge portion of the population that is vulnerable is vaccinated (90%+ of those over 50 years old)..
So this is perfectly normally and in no way suggests a problem. If the majority of the population is vaccinated than the majority of new cases will be vaccinated.
And I showed the math on israel as to why it is not just normal but expected given their vaccination rate.
Since im sure your a smart person I presume you did the same math on the UK numbers. What did you get?
@deprecated It is unique to israel, the UK has different numbers that arent as severe as the numbers in israel.
The same math works out there too.
How many covid vaccines were given in that period and how many other vaccines were given in that same period? Hint, you see more in VARES because we are administering COVID vaccines are rates much higher than other vaccines at the moment. We are after all trying to inoculate an entire planet as fast as we can.
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj You’re being intentionally dishonest and generally acting like a jew. You mischaracterize what people say and try to move the goalposts when your errors are pointed out. No doubt you do well in midwit academia but what you’re trying to pull is transparent here.
LAAAWWWLLLL you literally described pretty much everyone in this chat **except** me.. I know the projection was going to happen eventually. Thanks for that, lol.
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj Again. The jew cries out as he strikes you.
We managed to do it with small pox and eradicated the virus. Though im pretty sure people are a fair bit dumber these days.
Likewise our ability to produce and distribute the vaccine has grown perportionally as well.. what are **you** talking about.
@freemo @hydramacready @DK_Dharmaraj Too dumb to see the implications of letting free global travel happen while trying to control the spread of a disease, yep, you sound like a midwit academic alright.
@freemo @hydramacready @DK_Dharmaraj “Look at this historical outlier, the sole case of a disease being eradicated; I’m sure we can do that again on demand.”
And of course you know it took 175 years to eradicate smallpox, right?
@hydramacready @DK_Dharmaraj @freemo It exists in labs, but I don’t know that there are any wild cases. I had to get the vaccine in the Army, I didn’t get the telltale scar on my shoulder though.
You guys have fun being idiots sharing your stupid ideas based on your 3rd grade drop out education... Dont forget to email the real doctors who studied all their lives to let them know how smart you are and all the ways you know more than them...
I'm out.
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj @deprecated
"email the real doctors who studied all their lives to let them know how smart you are and all the ways you know more than them..."
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj @deprecated
"We are after all trying to inoculate an entire planet as fast as we can."
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj @deprecated
"you see more in VARES because we are administering COVID vaccines are rates much higher than other vaccines at the moment."
Are you trying to be smart or something, you think this is a gotcha? LOL
@freemo @DK_Dharmaraj @deprecated
so how many did you take?
1? 2? did you get the boosters? and the double, trible booster?
do you still think that the data from israel is perfectly normal and that the clotshots stop the spread?
man.. you're one god damn retarded son of a bitch.
apparently you tagged me in a bunch of stuff im not seeing. Seems I had you muted despite leaving you on follow.
Going to keep the mute in place, will unfollow now just so its clear I have no interest in talking to you.
Good luck to you.
@mk @freemo @DK_Dharmaraj @deprecated I don't get the Jew reference. Is it because you think only Jews understand basic statistics?
The one where I calculated the number of expected patients with covid who were vaccinated vs unvaccinated in israel given their 90% coverage.. it shows you'd expect 2.5x more covid patients who were vaccinated than unvaccinated given the vaccines efficacy rate (72%)
I dont have the time to go find it, its up int he thread.
@freemo Irrelevant. You claimed this was unique to Israel. It isn’t. Don’t speak authoritatively when you’re ignorant of basic facts.