I read somewhere just now that it's useful to post additional information about oneself. So, I'm:
the daughter of one of the early nuclear engineers. He specialized in materials research for shielding suitability;
70 years old;
retired from a healthcare system after 40 years of employment with them, the last 20 years were in IT;
The proud mother of a mathematics in a Denver university who is also invilved with the LGBTQ community;
fond of #sci fi;
also watch extended versions of #lotr every year;
former mother of a bushbaby, who passed in 1971;
definitely left of center;
a voter;
getting solar panels in February;
a fugitive from Texas currently in Albuquerque, NM;
fond of all animals, used to be the neighborhood snake wrangler;
the daughter of a natural history devotee;
a voracious reader;
the wife of a fine arts scholar, who has read me to sleep every night for 24 years - all of the major classics and many of the minor ones (I got the liberal arts education that I had missed as a science student);
a terrible housekeeper, with an even worse house husband;
glad to be alive even though that might change any day with the current political disaster.
@freemo I read the whole thing, including The Hobbit, to my kids when they were little. Those were happy hours. My son was fully engaged, and we had many lovely conversations about the stories, the characters, the places... My daughter, bless her, just fell asleep.