The true Elon Musk is floating to the top..

What a piece of moon dust... :amaze:



I used to like musk, but now im kinda neutral on him leaning towards dislike.

I do think people make a bigger deal out of him than he is worth... his comments arent of any value most of the time.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins I use to love the shit he did with SpaceX and Tesla but this crap with Twitter did that all go into the drain...

Besides.. he only can takes other people their work and ruin it.

The guy can't do anything himself besides Tweeting lol



He certainly ruined twitter... not sure I'd agree he ruined tesla, they are doing way better now than when he came in.

But yea I agree, he himself is not particularly remarkable in any way other than perhaps being good at making money. How much of that has been luck till now I cant say.


I am not quite sure that he’s ruined #Twitter. He’s certainly ruined pretty much everyone’s preconceived notion of #Twitter, at least in mission, as pretty much everyone is recognizing that the platform is no longer a left-wing hugbox, whether for good (“yay, free speech” says the right) or ill (“oh no, hate speech” says the left).

My main issue with #ElonMusk rn is that he’s promising a free-speech utopia that he will never provide.

There’s always the chance that the platform falls apart eventually of course, but that hasn’t happened quite yet.

@realcaseyrollins @stux @freemo

Free speech? That's a PR statement. He cares about controlling the reach of YOUR speech. So he can shut you up. Along with anyone else he deems undesirable.


Based on some examples i saw of posts about mastodon getting censored I tend to agree with you, he isnt free speech

@realcaseyrollins @stux

I’m sure they still do censorship, but probably far less than before.

In any case, #ElonMusk’s refusal to reinstate #AlexJones’ account proves that #Twitter’s free speech claim is, as you all say, a mere PR stunt.


well free speech doesnt extend to libel/slander. So legally speaking that would be a disaster

@ParanoidFactoid @stux

Ah that’s a good point since #AlexJones was found guilty on those counts, I suppose. And perhaps some of those statements were made on #Twitter.

@realcaseyrollins @stux @freemo

Allow me to block you before we continue any further.


Oh, the right wing kooks disappeared. Shrug

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