@freemo which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Irrelevant tot he point of the comic.
@freemo people aren't compassionate, you definitely aren't, I'm clearly not.
And we both may feel we are reacting to other not comoassionate things.
In america, many Lefties make clear an acknowledgement of reality is not being compassionate, which means I can't acknowledge the world around me and be compassionate
Are you gunna actually be nice all the time and hope others follow suit?
Where does this, everyone just be compassionate thing start?
> Are you gunna actually be nice all the time and hope others follow suit?
Your statement seems to misundersand the definition of compassion. Being compassionate does not mean the same thing as "being nice all the time".
@freemo since my point is made, instead of acknowledging the point made, you make a semantic arguement to contest my point and suggest I don't understand compassion.
@freemo and what is that?
In its simplest terms it is caring about people, wanting to see someone else happy
@freemo ok, and would you agree that some people think lying to people in that they can change their sex/gender is compassionate and others think being honest with people about the nature of sex and gender is compassion?
What people think is compassionate matters very little to me compared with what is, in reslity, compassionate.
I can see your obsessed with talking about a point i have now twice said i have interest in debating with you.
@freemo wow the ego on you to think only you know what compassion is.
What the world needs is people like you accepting that perhaps you don't know everything.
This is a repeat problem with people of your disposition and the reason I followed you.
Have a great day all knowing soyjack
Oh no tons of people seem to know what compassion is.. by the looks of it you just dont happen to be one of them.
@freemo I agree, based on my opinion you clearly have no idea what compassion is either.
@Pantangelini i have no doubt you think so
@freemo as do I.
It's ashame you dont seem to be willing to understand, but maybe some day #flatmoontheory will make sense to you and you'll become a better person by accepting you aren't as smart, compassionate, and all knowing as your persona thinks you are.
I like to think of the golden rule sometimes.
But then I realize it's not very perfect at all.
@Pantangelini I can see your very obsessed about this, as I've said multiple times, I dont care, you have said nothing insightful or interesting and yet keep insisting... move along
Whatever ya gotta tell yourself
@freemo nonono.
This is about the things you need to tell yourself.