While I am often not very happy witht he GOP leaning SCOTUS on this one I really am glad to have a right-leaning supreme court.
Lets hope they do the right thing and knock down these and similar state-laws as unconstitutional and in violation of the #2A
@freemo wait I thought Republicans supported states rights?
@louisrcouture Not really, you are thinking of Libertarians. Republicans are, in theory, about small government. It is debatable how good they are at getting there, better than the dems, but that isnt hard to do.
Yea sadly the parties have been somewhat divorced of their ideals on both sides for a while now.
I dont see them as moderates... I see the GOP as 90%+ plain old right and <10% extreme right.
The left I see as maybe 70% plain old left and 30% extreme left.
The only place moderates exist are outside of the two major parties as either no-party or a 3rd-party.
@realcaseyrollins @freemo joe manchin is definitely a moderate.
I would consider Ron De Santis Far right and Donald Trump far right too but definitely less right wing than de Santis.
I don’t view either as far right, and I actually think they probably agree ideologically on pretty much everything. The big difference is, I think #RonDesantis has a far more authoritarian perspective on how to fix the same perceived problems than #Trump.
For example, #Trump would tweet about opening up libel laws; #RonDesantis would make moves to actually do it.
@realcaseyrollins @freemo a lot of people where I live would consider Biden centre right if not right wing and Bernie to be center | center left but I really don't think that. Biden in USA is center left but he would be centrist maybe center right ish in Quebec.
True…I guess it all depends on the surrounding society.
#JoeBiden after all was probably far right a couple generations ago, wasn’t he against integration?
He started his whole career with being pro-segregation... though at the time that wasnt so extreme as it sounds today. But yea he was way more right early on he just does whatever gets him votes really.
@realcaseyrollins @freemo I don't know us history enough to answer this. But I know 1990s Biden would be far right in 2023. He is not a man of conviction but someone who changes views according to what is acceptable. He never had the courage to stand up for gay marriage when it mattered the most, because he didn't want to lose politically
Through the lens of the american political system he is probably as close as you can get to center while being in one of the two major parties.. But do I consider him truely moderate/center... not really.. but it also depends on what is a modeate... Is a moderate someone with opinions on both sides of the aisle? Or is it someone where the majority of their opinion arent from **either** side of the aisle?
@freemo @realcaseyrollins my take is that the true center is social democracy, which would make me a centrist. It is a mix of social intervention and free market, so balance = centrist. That would make Bernie Sanders as a true centrist. And since moderate is also a synonym of centrist, there would be no real moderate to the right of Bernie. However this is only focusing on the economic side of things and not the social issues.
There is only one way to have a truely moderate/center society... Me alone on an island :)
@freemo @realcaseyrollins that would be a dictatorship of the proletariat, an absolute monarchy, anarcho capitalism, absolute democracy, so definitely a mix of a lot of ideologies.
Yes we would be a dictatorship ruling with the iron oppressive fist of moderacy.
Maybe I view them as moderates because a lot of them just don’t do much of anything at all 🤪
When it comes to moderates, wouldn’t you consider someone like #JoeManchin a moderate?