Absolutely. I am generally quite "sick" of most people who are firmly on the left or right.. but he is an exception.. 90% of his stuff at least is stuff I can support.
@damnitjanet505 @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei
#Pelosi pulled this same stunt. It's just a far left ruse for people who don't want to think.
If endless economic refugees are #WWII #Japanese Americans, internment didn't matter.
@postpunky @damnitjanet505 @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei most of those migrants are escaping violent cartels in Central America. Gross. Just gross.
@cadenza @damnitjanet505 @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei
Nope. The cartels here & it's all crime & un-American.
Support is either gaslight, perpetrating, or akin.
@postpunky @damnitjanet505 @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei yeah, bigotry ain’t a good look pal. You’re gross.
@cadenza @postpunky @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei what a substantive reply
@damnitjanet505 @cadenza @freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei
Everyone who tells the truth is disgusting & a fascist.
@freemo @BigMcLargeHuge @georgetakei lol remember when the guy said George molested him?