@Blenster If a trans woman and a black woman disagree, which one should we default to believing?
Call me strange, but my beleif in a person is based on their demonstrated honesty, the color of your skin or history of your genitals isnt going to effect that, nor should it. But by the same token you shouldnt discount **anyone** if their claims are serious unless you have good reason to think that person is dishonest, if you dont you should try your best to give them the benefit of the doubt and try to verify any claims if you can.
So what im hearing is its not "believe <insert minority here" what you really mean is "listen to <insert minority here>"... if thats the case I whole heartily agree.
> Reducing this to a statement about believing one individual over another misses the point and leads to no new knowledge or understanding.
I agree, which is effectively my disagreement with "believe people who are minorities".. as you point out reducing this to a statement of believing individuals based on skin color leads to no new knowledge or understanding.. but a statement about "take the time to listen to minorities" does.
Yea, I agree, actively listening of course is essential. Dismissing and hearing without any further action isnt helpful.
@freemo yeah; one can quibble over the semantics but the general message is to listen and believe their experiences and use that new knowledge to better inform our actions.
Too often people will listen politely but not believe them and therefore not be called to action to fight for their rights. Merely letting them speak isn't enough; we must actually listen.
Thank you for having a nice conversation about this; I've seen too many who, well, don't.