Not yet, and I use statically a bit loosely.. It uses a static site generator but some of the stuff where it is needed still runs as serverless functions.
Its basically hugo for the html with TS using tools to render some endpoints.. Most people still call it static though since the website itself i dont know why.
Its basically hugo + vercel
Only reason i think it counts as static is because without the serverless functions running and endpoints it will still serve up its just the AP stuff will only half-work.
But its currently open-source under apache. when im done int he next few days ill make sure the readme makes it easy to follow but for now it would be hard to figure out just from the source.
@freemo there's a lot that can be done statically: webfinger, collections (followers, following), user profiles, outbox. I can see how that would be useful for folks. Have you written up your methods?