@dariusdunlap Can you explain more. I have arthritis but i never really expiernced much pain from it.. Ir ecently read some things to suggest it may be related.
@dariusdunlap It sounds like what I have.. i have arthritis but i never notice it... this would seem to be one of the view tims its noticable. So sounds like i have what you have :)
@freemo immune systems are complicated. But, FWIW, the drug that eventually helped me get it under control and in remission is called Enbrel.
@freemo my non-medical understanding is that something, usually an infection, Triggers this reactive arthritis. It can come on very quickly, and effect multiple joints all over your body. Your comment about your immune system attacking the joints is what to me sounded very much like what I’ve been through. (Mine is in remission, and I no longer take any medication for it)