You ever wonder why the small band of spectrum we can see (called visible light) is special? I mean almost all animals see in light ranges are are somewhere around here. I mean sure some can see a little farther into IR or UV but in general all animals see roughly around this same narrow band of frequencies in an otherwise infinite spectrum... So what is so special?

Its actually a quantum thing. Everything roughly around visible light and higher interacts with material by electrons jumping energy levels. However IR energy is absorbed by the bonds between molecules instead, which is why IR represents heat.

Basically visible light is right where these two modes intersect. Essentially they are the lowest energy part of the spectrum that is still high enough energy to interact primarily through changing energy levels of electrons. Essentially any more energy and it wont really get through the atmosphere as extreme UV is cut off.. any lower and it wouldnt be very effecieient cause most of the energy goes to heating the eye rather than seeing... So its right in that sweet spot.


It is interesting that plants evolved to not use Green light.

By being able to 'see' Red and Blue, and the relative ratios, the plant knows when it is Fall.

@SpaceLifeForm The fact that they reflect green is somewhat interesting,and has some interesting consequences.

That said its response to red and blue is not usually how most plants can tell the season (there are some exceptions). Most plants detect the season based on the length of daylight not its color.

However plants do respond to red and blue light in very interesting and different ways.. many plants respond to blue light be decreasing inter nodal distances for example.

@freemo @SpaceLifeForm I've always wondered how plants know this.

However, if I might ask a stupid question, why do (for example) trees bloom and then (in the fall) lose their leaves at different dates each year? Wouldn't that be the same year to year based on length of daylight?

I'm guessing that other environmental factors also play a role causing a relativistic shift in their "IT'S FALL! LOSE THE LEAVES!" response?

I'm not a gardener nor do I remotely have a green thumb.


So I spoke of "most plants" there is no one rule... There are a few common mechanisms that can be at play for plants:

* length of day
* Temperature
* inter tree communication

There are probably others I'm not thinking of.

Each plant cares about different things. For example cannabis cares **only** and length of day. So if thats all you control its all you need to get them to flower. This is typical of plants that can grow in the tropics where it doesnt get cold.

Non-coniferous trees are a bit more complex, they use a mix of signals including intertree communication, temperature, and length of day. To they may trigger later in the season if its a warm season.

Largely the difference from season to season with trees is due to temperature.


@freemo @SpaceLifeForm Thank you for the thoughtful response. I know even less re:cannabis but it's all interesting to me. GG Evolution! GG.


The point here is its very individual to the plant but its usually some combination of daylight hours and temperature.

It is very cool though how if you want to raise plant you have to know specifical what signals it so youc an control that.


@freemo @jmw

Reminds me of greenhouse days long past. We used to trick the azaleas to manage time to market.

We would shorten the daylight hours with covers over the beds. The plants were all potted, so bed in this sense was just a large tray. Large, meaning hundreds of pots.

This was to keep them from flowering. Periodically, some would be rotated into a huge walk-in cooler. Can not recall the temp, but I would guess near 50F. Great place to cool off.

Then, as market conditions decided, they would be pulled from the cooler, and given full days of sunlight and warmth. And, in a few days, they would start their bloom of flowers. The plants thought it was spring.

@freemo @SpaceLifeForm @jmw
Yep, that's a common trick that is used widely in the Netherlands.
Loads of flowers are being grown in greenhouses in the West of the country where I'm from. So on cloudy winter nights, the sky is an orange glow from all the lights that they use to coach the plants.
Lots of research goes in to it. The Wageningen University is working out which wavelengths work for which plants, so growers can use low energy LED lights to achieve the same.

@MennoWolff @freemo @SpaceLifeForm Apologies for drudging up a 2 week old conversation; But I was reminded of it earlier today when I saw this photo.

@jmw @MennoWolff @freemo

Very interesting. Looks like a High Pressure Sodium lamp that puts out enough light at the needed frequencies to keep the leaves functioning.

I can not tell for sure, but are those birch trees?



HPS lights are actually quite decent at growing. They are used in growing greenhouses all the time. Their more red leaning spectrum is good for lighting closer to harvest. MH (Metal Hydride) is used when the plants are younger.

@jmw @MennoWolff

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