I have a very "shot in the dark" ask about my favorite Tarot card deck.

Have you heard of the Mage The Ascension Tarot?
I bought a deck in 1995 when it came out. I still have it and it is my favorite deck. It's been my deck of choice since I bought it. I even preferred it over my Rider-Waite-Smith deck and, when I went through my hyper-Christian blow-back phase, it's the one deck I couldn't bring myself to toss out.

Bad news: I damaged two of the cards while doing a reading. I dropped them and tried to catch them with my legs which creased them down the middle. They are now both unusable in readings because they stand out.

I am aware that you can order reprints from places like DriveThruRPG but those are slightly different cards on different cardstock. The original designs were lost in a fire, I think, so these are more like scanned reprints.

Does anyone, anywhere have the original deck or just the two cards I damaged and would be willing to sell them to me?

I only included a photo of the back of one of the cards since the crease is the same on both of them.

I know it's a bit silly to be so enamored of a novelty deck like this, but I played a lot of World of Darkness mostly Vampire and Mage with a bit of Werewolf. I had the book for Changeling and the supplement for Mummy, but we didn't play them much. A friend of mine had Wraith but we never got into that at all.
I still have all my books downstairs actually, mostly 1st editions save for Vampire which is 2nd edition now.

#MageTheAscension #MageTheAscensionTarot #OWOD #OldWorldOfDarkness #WorldOfDarkness #WhiteWolf #VampireTheMasquerade #Tarot #Pagan #Divination

@jrdepriest I have one but am unwilling to part with it either. And eBay is showing listings upwards of $150...wow.

$250 was the cheapest I saw last time I looked.
Nostalgia is a helluva drug.


@jrdepriest I too have a copy of this tarot deck somewhere. Sadly I am unwilling to sell it.

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