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@freemo@qoto.org Neat! Picking up a bit huh? Probably from Elon's latest shenanigans.

I get exactly 0 per week myself!


Nah, the internet just heard we suspended Truthsandwich and everyone is happy :)

@freemo@qoto.org Oh you finally got rid of him? Wow. I guess miracles do happen! πŸ˜†
I already suspended all his accounts from my server as I have zero desire to see his ramblings.

@trinsec Yea it was just a matter of time. Figured eventually he would cross the line and be a douche bag once asked about it.. and sure enough he started spam reporting and when politely asked to stop he was quite rude and got an instant ban :)

@freemo@qoto.org To me, the drive-by-blocking-and-announcing was already ban-worthy. :P That person's oozing with negativity.

@trinsec Yup, while I was ok to "wait and see" I wouldnt have opposed if any moderator wanted to give him a warning for being hostile. If it continued after a warning then suspend would have been fine as far as I'm concerned. Though I do think I remarked once that we should at least add something to the rules for future clarity.

@freemo@qoto.org Technically it was already harassment. Being hostile in general is harassment imo. Why even bother to be on social media if you can't act social?

@trinsec Thats fair... by that logic I wouldnt have opposed action against him if someone made the motion to do so. But no mods proposed a ban and I was a bit more neutral about it at first... but it got out of hand and I started warning him and had to act myself.

@freemo@qoto.org I believe I might've mentioned about this already to you before a while ago. You were kind of hesitant if I recall? Anyway, he's gone now, so your server can start healing. :P

@trinsec Yes I remember, I was hesitant, but wouldnt have voted against it. Only pointed out my concerns. As I recall you didnt officially raise the idea of blocking him but did bring up concern.

I was basically neutral, I would have had no vote either way if you had brought it up with an official stance.

@freemo@qoto.org Fair enough. I probably didn't want to overstep or something. Although it's quite difficult to step over such a huge ego as his.


@trinsec I mean too late now, but that was never a problem. As I've told moderators here before, I dont want to be considered special. We all have equal say on decisions. It is important all moderators feel equal to me, I have never (and would never) override a democratic moderator decision.

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