@icedquinn I was friends with a tax man. He turned out to be a POS but I can maybe shine some light on their thinking.
They think they are doing a public service. They arent really anti-rich usually or anything like that. But they do think they are making america a better place by doing a necessary service.
@icedquinn @freemo Keeping the money printer going. That's what causes inflation. Taxes won't stop inflation.
@icedquinn @freemo The debasing of currency didn't work out well for the Roman Empire. They did it to fund their endless wars.
100% of people who eat spinach eventually die. Therefore spinach must be unhealthy.
@freemo @icedquinn The US currency used to be backed by gold bullion.
Yea, thankfully when we learned just how unstable that made our economy we changed it. In fact the great depression was a huge reason to get off the gold standard as it was a large contributing factor
yea no, not what happened. The fiat being gold-backed was well established as a problem not a boon.. and while yes some people object to the fed and im not saying the fed and the way it structured is a good idea by any means, but not backing money with gold was absolutely the right decision.