@icedquinn I was friends with a tax man. He turned out to be a POS but I can maybe shine some light on their thinking.
They think they are doing a public service. They arent really anti-rich usually or anything like that. But they do think they are making america a better place by doing a necessary service.
@icedquinn @freemo Keeping the money printer going. That's what causes inflation. Taxes won't stop inflation.
@icedquinn @freemo The debasing of currency didn't work out well for the Roman Empire. They did it to fund their endless wars.
100% of people who eat spinach eventually die. Therefore spinach must be unhealthy.
Not even remotely true. Gold has widly changed in its trade value over the years. In fact just in our lifetime gold has swung considerably.
Gold has value for the same reason fiat has value... The qty is relatively fixed and cant be easily fabricated.
When did I say it cant be fabricated... I said **easily** fabricated... is it easy to get one of those printers? No, in fact only one specific authority in the whole universe has one.
you have to be trolling me right now