What’s so depressing is that as a species if we wanted to we could wipe out SARS2 like we did with that strain of flu a couple of years ago. Imagine lifting everyone’s lives up with this one action. But no, better to pretend it’s all fine and keep getting sick while millions are denied any form of a life.


COVID research scientist here.

We cant and we didnt.

The flu strain from a couple years ago H1N1 is still alive and kicking just like SARS-COV- is

Neither was ever an option to eliminate entirely with current technology, we knew this very early on in our studies,


@andymoose No one said that,.. You can "win"... winning doesnt mean eradication. Winning means having good treatments and plans to handle the disease well, just as we have for H1N1.

Don't try or expect what is literally not possible though, so in that sense, yea, dont "try" (as in waste your time) on a goal that isnt physically possible.

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@freemo so treatments but no mitigation. Let ‘er rip - that’s your professional view?


What, where are you coming up with this nonsense. Please show me where I said no mitigation was ok? Your just saying random nonsense things that have nothign to do with anything I even said, what is even going on here

@freemo you only talk of treatments. I see no mention of prevention in what you said.


Fair, yes prevention is important to. Vaccines, access to them, and even some general things like better ventilation are all good steps to take. Even just better hygene practices like not working if you feel sick and washing yoru hands more are all good things for a society to do even if COVID werent a concern.

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