@freemo I think the most important vote is the one that throws a wrench into the nomination process
@realcaseyrollins voting during the primaries is going to be a much better choice when it comes to change for sure.
I think most of us vote on issues. The biggest issue I vote for is whatever vote I feel is most likely to destroy the view of a two party system. If that is your primary goal than a third-party vote seems clear.
@freemo I vote primarily based on who supports the smallest form of government, the least amount of spending, and is the most willing to ban abortion
“A government so small it can fit in your bedroom.”
Not sure what that means, but I wish (not the bedroom part but the small part).
@freemo @realcaseyrollins
“A government so small it can legislation morality of a woman.”
I mean thats the whole point of most laws, to legislate morality on people, that includes woman's issues and mens.
That isnt to say that abortion doesnt deserve debate, it does. But no one should be shocked that it is legislating morality, thats the whole point.
@freemo @realcaseyrollins
That’s a lot of words to say you’ll never face that moral decision, isn’t it?
Never said or claimed I would... but then again I'll never be in the moral decision to murder someone either, yet i still have (and am not ashamed to have) an opinion on if murder should be illegal. Its almost like being the victim is more important than being the perpetrator when it comes to having an opinion... that said ya know what I have been? A fetus.
as a #GirlDad, I learned that when a human baby girl is born, she is born with all the ova she will ever have.
The patriarchy insists on #PartusSequiturVentrem because men are fragile about their seed.
Yes they are, but no that is a rather absurd take IMO... People care about life being murdered, their seed may play a minor role in feeling they have a right to defend that life they helped create, sure, but its hardly the primary factor if anyone is being honest (which seems like you may not be but rather trying to push an agenda with whatever rehtporic you can muster).
I mean hell your not even against a particular stance (since I clearly stated the stance is debatable) you seem to care more about taking away peoples right to voice an opinion despite being the victim of any such decision (as we were all fetuses once). That is a disapointing stance to take to say the least.
Dude you spent every reply engaging in mental masterbation and "gotchas" without a single iota of constructive discussion.
Trust me, you did us a favor, I was willing to give you, like most people the benefit of the doubt, but you clearly didnt deserve that.