Germany's AfD party wins first city mayoral election in symbolic victory for far-right.

Alternative for Germany candidate Tim Lochner was elected mayor of Pirna on Sunday, a symbolic victory for the far-right party. The question of a possible ban on the movement is entering public debate.

#Germany #Politics #Elections #AfD #FarRight

@TheEuropeanNetwork I am not an AfD supporter - but I am astounded that the German Govt thinks that the appropriate response to a political group whose policies they don't like is to - ban it.
Whoever would have thought? What next, book-burnings? #Germany #fascism



Admin of QOTO here... Your response is not just non-nonsensical it is uncalled for.

Their stance is that political opinion shouldn't be banned, in other words, people have a right to free speech. To assume that makes them a Nazi just because they feel their free speech principle should be unconditional is unfair, inflammatory, and frankly immature.

Do better, this is not the sort of behavior QOTO is about.

@KarunaX @TheEuropeanNetwork

ยท ยท 3 ยท 0 ยท 3


then, if it’s not, it should be

If you think immature, accusatory, nonsensical trolling is what QOTO should be about, then start your own instance

anyway there are many other instances

Indeed there are, and while I had no intention of taking any moderator action this early on, considering your attitude, you would be doing us all a favor to move to one of the ones that matches your level of toxicity, so yes, thank, if you move to another one that would be great.

@KarunaX @TheEuropeanNetwork


Well thanks for showing everyone your a fascist PoS while on your way out by explicitly expressing prejudice against a person because of the country/race they are born into.

You know who did that a lot? The Nazis.

Stop wasting your time talking to me and go find yourself that new instance you were just bragging about.

@KarunaX @TheEuropeanNetwork


Due to racism (attacking someone for circumstances of their birth) your account is now frozen and you will no longer be allowed to use this site. Good bye.

@KarunaX @TheEuropeanNetwork

@freemo @ItaDude @TheEuropeanNetwork Thankyou for acting on this. I am happy to disagree with people about issues (and often do) - but his type of trolling was way over the top.


You are welcome

He was borderline with his initial response. But him doubling down and getting more aggressive when called out clearly crossed the line.

I want people here who have respectful conversations no matter how much they disagree. Obviously if you were being rude to him then I wouldnt mind so much, but you were not being rude, and yet he increased his aggression regardless... yea no room for that.

@ItaDude @TheEuropeanNetwork

@KarunaX @freemo @ItaDude @TheEuropeanNetwork
this is just projection, you are the one supporting the right of existence of an obviously neo-Nazist party on the basis of a supposed censorship of free speech
you are no different than any MAGA-blue ticks provided accounts; Elonland is the right (pun intended) place for you


They should be denied existance by not voting for them, not choosing to advertise or promote them, and by not joining their ranks. If you cant succeed in that way then trying to silence them out of existance will only strengthen their cause.

We dont want them to exist, but we recognize trying to artifically silence them will only cause them to gain support, not loose it. It may seem pardoxical but it has been shown to be the case.

@KarunaX @ItaDude @TheEuropeanNetwork

@meriafff @freemo @ItaDude @TheEuropeanNetwork So your version of democracy is one where only political parties you approve of are allowed to exist? Surely if the AfD are such fascists - and if Germany does not want a fascist Govt - no-one will vote for them? Or are you asserting that Germans are all closet Nazis? PS You would fit right into Birdland with those attitudes, so perhaps it is you rather than I who should spend their time there?

@freemo @KarunaX @TheEuropeanNetwork

Gotta love these smug, smarmy comments from the guy who just got the boot. Jaysus.

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