Is super crappy how a news reader from Skynews belittled the 13yrd old who beat Tetris and said stuff like "as a mother I would keep my kid away from the screen" and "he should go play outside, beating Tetris is not a life goal"

It's those "mothers" that do not understand their kid nor try to understand them but guide with the "parent handbook" because that's what's known

Setting such a world record is an amazing accomplishment, let alone at 13 years old! Support kids in what they do and like

@freemo A 13yrd old kid beat Tetris! :ed_grin:

but a news ancor from Sky had to mock it.. :nkoFacepalm2:

it's time that pro gaming is also taken seriously like chess and darts etc

@stux I wouldnt say its int he same class as chess, but it does deserve respect. Chess is an intellectual "puzzle" tetris is hand eye coordination. Both are impressive skills, just different category. But yea i agree.

I just dont get why anyone feels the need to mock anyone.. short of maybe people who are clearly cruel and evil and deserve the mocking.

@stux Wait im watching the video now.. says he is the first kid to ever beat it? What? as a kid I know lots of people who beat it. I beat it, my uncle beat it... when you beat it a rocketship goes off in the end IIRC.

@freemo Yes but he really beat the game to the killscreen :bloblaugh:

No code anymore and the game only runs on memory at that point i believe

@stux Well to be clear he didnt beat the original tetris.. this is some later version (maybe an NES version).. and he broke it by rolling over the high score digits, which is super impressive, but "beat" just isnt accurate, he broke it :)

The original tetris this wouldnt be possible as you'd beat the game before getting a score anywhere near there.

@freemo there's seriously a whole community around Tetris, like soo many games!

Check this, it's amazing 😆

@stux @freemo IDK. As a casual gaming fan I’d like it to get respect, but I’m not sure it deserves it.

I know that most people won’t respect it until the #eSports teams get more stable so that a fanbase may be built up over the years.


Its a bit of a mixed bag... I mean honestly i think most sports are a bit of a waste of ones time, persuing whats fun at the expense of anything that adds value to the world.

That said there is no doubt its a skill to play a sport or tetris and takes many hours of time invested to get there. Should we respect hard earned skill that is fun and does nothing to improve the world? Eh, I dunno.

Like I think we should recognize the skill, but I think its also ok to recognize its a selfish endeavor that is, in the end, a waste of energy that could have been invested much more wisely.

Then again its a step up from just watching TV all day or something I guess.


@freemo @stux For many #esports, the top players have rare skill and I think that’s worth some respect. But really, the respect comes from the fans, who give teams or players value.

I think the skill level of gaming is probably in some ways better and more respectable than actors, but actors have more perceived value because they have fans.


Respect is a weird word here.. Im not sure what it means. Obviously earlier when i said respect i simply meant "treat someone with dignity" though here it seems to mean something more like "honor" or to praise.

There is just so much to this on a philosophical level. The first thing i ask is a skill with no utility worthy of praise just because of how extreme that skill may be? Is it worthy of skill if its literally just having fun all day playing games to the exclusion of everything else in life to the point where you get good? I mean is that more worthy of praise than someone who spent that time learning how to do open heart surgery or some skill that was far less fun to learn but actually useful?

I dunno.. for me i certainly recognize the time investment. But to me the "heros" the ones who are worthy of praise and screaming "hey look at this guy he deserves applause", that seems to be something I'd attach more to skill obtained through sacrifice with purpose than i would with games.


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