So apparently #NixOS removed signal-desktop-bin from nixpkgs within a release and one even can't use an old, pinned nixpkgs version to still get it because of super cryptic errors in nixos-rebuild?
But the latest release DOES have signal-desktop (different package than signal-desktop-bin)... aside fromt he bin being a bit faster to install why does it matter, seems the non-bin should be fine no?
ohhh i missed that part then... but if your issue then is just loosing all the messages (not sure why that would happen but i beleive you) there is probably some way you can save then restore the file system that backs it.
Sorry i dont have a horse in this race it seems, I missed something critical I think
@nobodyinperson I see. In that case sounds like its time to find a new service :) Sorry I am not more help
@freemo For one, the beta and the non-beta store messages in different places IIUC, they are independent. Copying or restoring stuff around does not help. Signal desktop seems to be very fragile in that regard. It is also a security feature to not transfer old messages upon fresh pairing. All in all you're lucky if you can keep your message history and this is what I intend to so.