Biden Supporters: Trumpism is a cult. The MAGA crowd refuses to accept any criticism of Donald Trump, which sets a dangerous precedent.

*Jon Stewart makes a few mild jokes at Biden's expense*

Biden Supporters: How dare he criticize our candidate, this is totally unacceptable.


It’s nerves. This election shouldn’t even be close.

My view: when teetering on the brink of a racial purge followed by a dictatorship( At least Lex Luthor was actually smart when he became President), what is accomplished by hectoring (even slightly)Biden?

The jokes won’t seem so funny when a boot is on your neck.


Was the racial purge the orange guy who has a history of disliking brown people? Or the senile guy who literally spent a decade of his career trying to fight to keep segregation alive because he didnt want his white child to go to school with other minorities in a "racial jungle" (his words)?

Like literally, im not trying to be a smart ass, when people refer to "The racist guy" that literally doesn't even begin to narrow it down out of those two.


@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

"Was the racial purge the orange guy who has a history of disliking brown people?"

like your source, please. i think you're lying.


Sure, IEEE citation format:

[1] β€œTrump Management Company.” New York Urban League, Civil Rights Division, New York, Aug. 16, 1972

@davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

what's this bullshit?

so you're just a propaganda-washed liar?


You asked for a citation, this is a citation.

Specifically in the IEEE format, the one of the standard and most used formats for providing citations.

@davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

you said this: "Was the racial purge the orange guy who has a history of disliking brown people?"

this is how i understood it: donald trump is a racist.

1. did you mean this?
2. do you want to defend this?

if yes, please provide evidence.

or shut the fuck up


  1. Yes he is a racist, that is exactly the words that I used.

  2. I have as much interest in defending this that I do that the earth is round. That is to say, that should I sincerely need to debate this with someone it is almost garunteed to be a waste of my time.

if yes, please provide evidence.

Citing a literal source with proof of his racism, as I just did with my previous citation already did this.

@davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

1. i was asking what you meant. and not if this quote matches, faggot.

2. you don't have to debate anything. i'm asking for proof of your statement.

i think that you're a brainwashed faggot that FEELS LIKE trump is a racist, because it got psyopped into your head so many times.

proof me wrong.

give me one example of trump beeing racist.



  1. i was asking what you meant. and not if this quote matches, faggot.

No you werent.

Here is exactly what you asked for and said:

like [sic] your source, please. i think you’re lying.

You literally did not. What you asked for was me to provide you the evidence. I cited the source I used as evidence. Now maybe if you didnt act like a toddler having a tantrum I’d have followed up with you further, but your behavior has made it clear there would be no benefit in me engaging further.

  1. you don’t have to debate anything. i’m asking for proof of your statement.

Which you were provided, I cited one among many sources. Now its on you to review the source material and form an opinion, but seems your stuck in your little tantrum.

i think that you’re a brainwashed faggot that FEELS LIKE trump is a racist, because it got psyopped into your head so many times.

As I’ve stated many times before, both Trump and Biden are old family friends and have been over the family home many times for dinner and to stay the night. No one is brainwashing me, I knew the guy was a racist piece of shit long before anyone gave a fuck about either of them.

proof me wrong.

I did, the fact that you are clueless of that fact is more a you problem than a me problem.

give me one example of trump beeing racist.

Already cited a source that is literally a compilation of quite a few and the supporting evidence to back it all… and thats just the shit he had done in NYC is 1972 alone. Again the fact that you dont know how to read citation formats or how to get them is a you problem not a me problem. One that you could have easily solved by just asking rather than being an asshat.

@davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

Β· Β· 1 Β· 1 Β· 1

@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

this: "[1] β€œTrump Management Company.” New York Urban League, Civil Rights Division, New York, Aug. 16, 1972"

is not proof of trump beeing a racist.

you did provide no evidence at all. your're just a disgusting leftist liar.

go suck a dick, faggot.


this: “[1] β€œTrump Management Company.” New York Urban League, Civil Rights Division, New York, Aug. 16, 1972”

is not proof of trump beeing a racist.

Correct, it is not proof much like an address is not a home, and a phone number is not a phone and a URL is not a website. It is, however, explicitly instructions on how to access the proof should you want to review the proof itself.

you did provide no evidence at all. your’re just a disgusting leftist liar.

I provided you the standard details needed to access the evidence. Again I realize you may not be too bright (based on your offensive language) and all, but maybe you should consider that before being an asshat. As I said I would have been otherwise more than willing to explain to you how you are supposed to use citations to get access to the actual evidence it points to so you can read it.

@davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

@freemo @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts

you think you're really smart, but you're just a pitiful little worm with no mind of its own who allows himself to be programmed by the media.

how about you'll go and get yourself the next booster.

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