Just a reminder, no matter how unfair your traumas may be, it is no ones responsibility to bear that burden but you.
Dont expect a free pass when you lash out due to a tantrum because of traumas. Your feelings are valid, the actions you take because of them arent.
> I was thinking about making friends...
Why would anyone want to go and do a thing like that! That sounds awful!
> ... that will understand ...
Like, all my shit? Thats the LAST thing I want a friend to do!
> ...support me...
sounds like a lower back injury waiting to happen, thats not a very good friend.
> ...and share my excitement...
You still have that?
> ...about various tech stuff...
Excitement over things other than sleep?
> ...instead of evilposting.
What thats the one good thing in the whole list!
> That doesn't sound that bad
It sounds absolutely abysmal :)
@freemo Agree, until someone says "we all have our cross to bear" and then I'm lashing out.
@freemo@qoto.org Wondering if you were talking about yourself?
@trinsec I was considering a lot of things... but I assume you saw my recent apology post. That was foremost on my mind, but also i was considering other people when i said that.
@freemo@qoto.org Yeah, I saw your recent apology post. It seemed to tie in nicely. Also kinda found it ironic as in that you don't accept that from others but apparently you've done it yourself (hence that apology post I guess). So I'm not really sure what to make of it, heh.
@trinsec accept it from others is a bit of a weird terminology, what does that mean?
If someone does it, recognizes they are wrong, shows they are willing to be accountable to the consequences, then I will usually forgive a person I feel is being genuine.
Likewise, if i did it to someone else I'd expect to be held accountable to any consequences and likewise have to apologize to right things.
@trinsec Did I do it to you, or do you recall someone in particular who didnt deserve it that I did it to? If so I'd like to know so i can make a more direct apology though.
I was thinking about making friends that will understand, support me and share my excitement about various tech stuff instead of evilposting. That doesn't sound that bad