
are borders ok? child labor laws? doesn't govt doing almost anything for the public create ripple effects in the market? what about negative externalities? should anything like water resources be publicly owned?

@wjmaggos Free market means a market where prices are adjusted freely due to their natural supply/demand.. In other words, a market where all players are on equal footing.

So that would mean the sort of things intervention is ok for:

1) Stopping monopolies from controlling the market
2) Prevent price fixing of markets by collaborating groups (aggregate monopolies basically)
3) Addressing the fact the medicare by its nature has a broken supply-demand curve, so things that fix that curve.


Now id also be ok with the market spending taxes in general on anything that has a ROI on that money. So for example things like free education, I'd be fine with that because its a wise ROI.


everybody draws these lines re free markets and socialism/capitalism very differently. the only people I have a problem with are those who don't accept reasonable arguments about the value of market forces or that our top economic priority shouldn't be trying to maximize the outcomes for people today or in the relatively near future.


II agree we need to look at the long term first and the short terma s only a temporary easement not a solution. I also agree this is a huge problem with people prioritizing short term fixes that have long term harm.

For me minimum wage is a great example of something that intends to have short term benefit (but it doesnt even do that) but long term causes more harm. Where actually improving the marketablility of people through training is a far better solution.

@freemo @wjmaggos freed markets are oppose of interventions though. Your thread looks like "anything I want is free and anything I oppose is non-free"


Im sure some people might say that, but no thats not what I mean when I see free market. A free market is a market not under control of any of the players in said market. AS in it is a neutral and equal territory. That means the things I said, it doesnt mean "do nothing of anykind" thats not what free means (though again im sure some people share your opinion).


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