Trump and gang really were a humiliation and a disgrace to america in this meeting. Like my god it felt like a bunch of elementary school bullies attacking the kid with a disability. What a shameful time to be an american.

@freemo I think from a geopolitical point of view this is more of a sign to US's adversaries that they aren't fooling around with the International Liberal Rules Based Order kinda thing, instead opting for a Might makes Right approach. I think this is a much required paradigm shift in a world in which the EU is essentially toothless (and dead in the water), befriending RU a bit is better than having a RU/CN alliance that would be impossible to deal with for the US in the long term.


Russia cant even win against Ukraine, they havent even tested the whole of the EU. The smart move would be to stand against such an evil power that can barely win a war against a tiny little country.

Also my how far we have come since the heros that stood up against hitler, clearly the more powerful entity at the time. Now we (or at least you) are ready to kiss the invaders feet because they appear to have more teeth.

@freemo @xyfdi ukraine is not a little country ukraine is all europe and america and the whole world funding it

And bits of Asia apparently.

This said, you see weapons meant for Ukraine with terrorist groups and cartels. And CIA reporting on the corruption in the Ukraine. So allocation + actually doing something are two entirely separate things.


I guess your right, Trump is just sucking putin's dick like a lollipop at this point.

It feels a lot like kids bullying on a playground, like I said, but really its putin doing the bullying, we are just the little dickless numbnut standing next to the bully going "yea! good one" every time the bully lands a blow.


@freemo @xyfdi if you dont want more war then you are sucking putsins dick right

Whatever Zelensky does, he will be sucking Putin's fleshy appendage between vanity shots for magazines.

Zelensky keeps fighting and loses it all. Public support for this war in Ukraine is kinda through the floor ( Putin wins.

Zelensky makes a deal. Cedes land to Russia. Putin wins.




Atleast he fought back, unlike the USA, Putin owns our ass without firing a shot. Trump truely is a pathetic weak little man.



Of course not, why would he have to, he won without needing to attack, thats how pathetic we are right now.


@freemo @xyfdi uh what you are just saying it you arebeing emotional and stupid ove rreacting to nothing


I have never showed favoritism over either side in my life here, always laughed and scoffed when people call Nazi and all the other nonsense. This was the first time it all seemed very very real. Even radical countries like North Korea came across more mature than us in this meeting.


USA fought back. This is almost a full proxy war (with RU being directly involved, and NATO bleeding them via their intermediary Ukraine). NATO as a defensive organisation provided a lot of support and still does to this day. If it isn't a ton of material ( or weapons or monies, it was the huge AWACS flying racetracks west of the Polish border. There are a lot of "consultants" operating in Ukraine right now, and while I have no proof I am fairly certain there are some US guys driving around fucking having the time of their life.

It is obvious that Trump is taking a more isolationist stance when it comes to foreign policy. I wouldn't call him weak. misguided sure.

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