VOTING & POLLS - Option SHOWING who voted?...
Would you appreciate the VOTING in Mastodon to *also* include option **SHOWING** who voted in RESULTS (after to those that voted showing total voted etc AND USERNAME?)...
This idea is for optional group-only or public survey so it could be shown only to those that voted also or perhaps everyone (this would be flexible and up to poll makers).
If you have +'s / -'s / ~'s just reply to this or private DM please.
The idea behind this is about pooling people together - so those with similar tastes / work / mood for doing stuff can see each other and do it (right now or later talk slowly etc and to link across fedi's).
If you can see mutuality and interest from others and actually get stuff done (communication obviously first) then rather than messaging, email copies, hunting each other etc... a more willing show of hands... something a bit safer and knowing what might be more possible by voting / seeing what kind of poll it is / seeing others interested or already doing similar things to them / helping etc.
Please comment / DM anytime... Thank you.
MASTODON IDEA: VOTING IN POLLS + SHOW who voted?... To make contact with people and their projects after poll is over?
Hi @Gargron
About Voting in Polls + showing usernames... kinda yes / no question
(see this thread or link below)
SO Y? / N? /M?----> :) THANKS
If anyone knows better place to send messages / suggestions let me know (even for archive / later checking as long as someone gets this and can just say Y / N / Maybe)... In Mastodon we trust :)