War... theory.. from frying pans and into the fires... at least that's the feeling...
Unfortunately for humans it 'seems' it's somewhat the same-same situation in some ways "out of the frying pan(s) and into other fire(s)"... maybe...
(disclaimer: I'm not sure there was any original specific context in replying what seems a bit ambiguous but perfectly ok, so I am talking about being a human refugee wherever you go on this planet and being subjected to whatever everyone just copies or does back-room deal about pretending even to be against each to other (a bit like 2 supermarkets pretending to put offer on and taking turns bumping up prices)- it's all just seemingly moving away from the same mentality... of war and money - some places 'seems' much less (they do it a bit further away) - and just under different kinds of bad government... who are still sucking energy out of people or still uncaring, still mentalities of territories and warlord / warring banners underneath, putting their emblems everywhere clainming land and people (and then peace)... which has evolved the same line only with more improvements to reach perhaps more clever ways in hiding the body (siphoning people but not killing so fast and then letting them die and taking pensions at a well calculated 60 when their useless to them) making it locked in and more the harder to undo or revolt / escape. War in all the advanced ways right and using the tech-trees and business tricks and everything if your government hasn't fallen behind the times.... right from when you choose your food and pay for it to other things that should remain more innocent and less manipulated... cheating and suffering embedded everywhere from workplaces to nature and back...
Considering the mental sides of being trapped even inside the comfort 'zone' I can say for myself it is a bit of a constant nightmare... what to do what to do...
I can't see the enemy too directly apart from company logos as the front and in fact ALL the other people in between are actively working for them (innocently or not) chipping into warlord coffers, paying tax via those sub-business of itself towards our own dooms and further misspending ... you guessed it for more warfare or buildings or arms... for oppression, passive-aggressive pushes, lack of options from 100 rules - that is not comforting and like being trapped...
So from frying pan into the fire is my general remark because I'm not sure who has it better other than fighting something more visibly and not being enslaved... stopping people at least... so maybe I would actually consider staying in Ukraine as everything else is an American dream (just the dream to get you to work) and fighting more physically (or dying) at least it provides some visible resistance (like not leave my house or end things quicker)...
It's not fun for anyone anywhere (anyone conscious that is) and what happens elsewhere is happening also in here (taps side of head) even if it's far away, because it's already here (was here) and just coming around again when nobody else is around to bully. So for these command and conquer games or 'uncivlisation' games locally and externally even for Ukrainians coming to Europe I'd not put them into false sense of comfort to be tagged and u$ed as numbered units so I'm not sure I'm happy for them as a future as numbers on one big government account for their own GDP game stats isn't great. And maybe it isn't true.
Just this mentality is everywhere enough to already be here and stay especially as people pay and not even look to have conversation to get out. 'For my family' they say and the kids aint happy!
(I know I mixed the #war into there at the end but before that also I mean Westerns or kids of this again or similar to that don't feel good for years of seeing and being powerless while also feeding the beast roaming around or supplying weapons and banks lending to both sides benefiting from us... create more debt and a never ending fire of debt connected to energy...
excuse me a moment...
*goes to puke*