
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <--- For easy copy / paste an ASCII shrug reminder 

Never be far away and have *shrug* close to had !

Good picture of shrug here:

and where doing nothing also
doesn't help

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <--- For easy copy / paste an ASCII shrug reminder 

@freeschool Thanks for posting the exchange you had with in April. I'm curious if a gaming system could be devised in which the global population participates in allocating resources such that Tio's basic needs are met as well as those of everyone else. In exchange, everyone shares particular data about themselves that contributes to the common good by reducing cost or increasing opportunities overall. Thoughts?

I think that is the way incrementally... ideally with people simply giving kudos to each other as the game and encouraging whatever they can like they only live once.

I guess I learned to give kudos and acceptance to myself so that is my own game... I've done some things bold enough and happy. I know what I'm winning on and testing it constantly. But with others a bit of encouragement is needed to step up belief or togetherness and measurement of long-term win-wins (in different ratios is ok people can learn to still be happy with that

... things that will help is encouragement, recognition, education, levelling up / stripes (measured), kudos, skill-sharing, presentation practice / hit counts / viewers / free software support and all the micro things that make life and recognition part of that gamification... call it love or loving life...

or call it fighting back (with all compassing love)


The rest below is extra and long speed writing (my way is to write, test my speed then revisit / 2nd pass etc, so I get reply mostly done without leaving too long for memory to fade / same day and strike matches of fire earlier)

(so keep in mind if you read on that you can also speed read no probs )


Gamification has long since been on my customised list

This isn't about me or linking but I really had it there and I think there are many parts people can keep even unofficially to gamify / compete nicely in all saving the planet in measured and thought out ways (even their own more -transparent valuation system)

Providing people games (like parents did / do) and then letting them 'monster' the games they naturally can do all day is a wonderful type of efficiency (every breed of person has this and instinctively like animals or dogs are maybe more obvious) and some with training or with right trainers (another minigame).

All have this unique chain of ability and combination, we just harness and allow that in a way that helps and not worry too much for things unless really they are using the other teams contaminated tool. Our own awareness / real contact / circles etc).

You see people are being gamified all the time (bribed / carrot on stick mainly) with Gov / BigBusiness backing it (often in cahoots or 1 and the same). They got a head start which is fine but if we as mass turn back some of the micro games and turn over the stones back in our favour then like a game of Go we 'capture' that micro-game / action and even people hearts and will to 'Go' for more (to capture / re-kindle it themselves as their own game while weaving / spiralling with others who have affinity).

Some people already are cut that way or cut themselves in destiny to go against these things knowing no part of life is worth it under rule of profit decision, faulty maths and man-made % domination/rape, dictatorship, flags, without consent or conversation, personal respect etc... so that is the real game... it's about leaning the profit orientate tree back toward non-profit / human side WHILE giving each other things to do things as nicely as possible accepting we were set up originally (land takeovers) and instead now we make opportunities allowing people into our 'house' individually with things said clean rather than everyone individually going to companies and locking themselves and others out... waiting for more doom. Literally in-house production is one way and mass as artist, shitty drawers, people with hands or feet or anything basically you can puzzle in or try out in someone and even arrange as nice EXIT (no the kick business parallel but move the pieces). All seems a bit dreamy but once you start with one person it's quickly reality and very useful when it's obvious (talking helps). You just manage that start and keep this text as reference and I'll even give ideas as you go with the person in mind. The will does need to be there to try it and yes some measured stuff or carrot... but often some people just like to have lots of games to play and just jump in AND out into the next things and then go sleep... and regularly tone it down or take care of their soul or spirit as also the 'work' (easier when not forced sometimes and helps if others around are doing it... like I'll never do yoga in the morning until I have a girl-friend that does it)

The cost of our own return is then transferred into other ways you see when relationships are added more than subtracted - letting someone stay without rent is a big win or talking with someone about likes/dislikes also - this sounds like suicide for most people or encouraging trouble. But people can just agree that's just the way there are now... best as possible and see what happens...
much more can be said but basically eventually people's wife or children have to become happy with strangers - no two ways about it... a short way of saying that protecting people too much is also leaning the tree the wrong way and doesn't help.
It is natural to retract or trained but as in chess you realise too much of that and you can still get overwhelmed / steam rollered.

Monetarily speaking (ignoring all this theory stuff which you could put into practice) someone just shares a portion of their money and for exchange of free-willed labour AND companionship (not just hands and feet, accepting your worker as family and there differences even if it's not hours and hours... I worked on a farm and the farmer didn't want to talk about spirituality... well after a bit that's obviously not going to improve anything). If they / you can enjoyably help (again not force) as umbrella and try for longer if possible massaging the hard parts in the name of 'doing things different' / forging people like metal then experiment.
Like a people farm lol for people (not saying it works or should 100% but as a farm itself it can help grow people (literally) and feed people (as in good) the basics but don't get it wrong it's MIND AND MATTER. People can release others from duty / cycle things / make time free for family using others (but also to get better at managing their time and not dumping in on Sherpa carrying peoples baggage up mountains for the Europeans to say they climbed it without mentioning who did all the carrying -
Summary - Not all of us needing to have land / pay rents / rent internet individually / lol what suckers they make from us!

Does feel I've written to much, but feel / hope you can see through...
and disclaimer was before this :)

Some of us have had enough and also what money we have is being dwindling to be less than even that 'promise to pay' via what remotely is now controlled (not what is says on the paper/plastic money), being alone might actually help and is better than the devaluing money or it's supply. If you have 1 cow and someone to milk in morning you can keep alive a family-in-a-family... even if it's the same milk product in different forms lol really didn't see how much 1 cow can make and relatively easy... not perfect but other ideas are make your room into 2, travel host and capture some hearts / farm using less-mainstream travel hosting.... anything to bring back society to life ( techies / engineers / scavengers / even average idiot people under an umbrella of hopping / spreading seeds / travel hosting people ) but without a big hoo-ha.

And also to train people not to value their life so highly, knowing it was born cheap financially and that only way is morally forward.
No shame in accepting that.
(Tangential / potentially triggering remark but honest from the point funny money we're mostly coming from and now paying for... but in the same way big business uses people cheap disposable we too can while valuing the human sides and enjoying time as priceless together / the best time spent... and increment back those to win back no-monetary time together - that kind of measured metering for time and electricity is also something the same kind of man-made matrix and making money from nothing in another cube reducing space. Meters for electricity as silly if computers are running mostly and not generators etc )

If you've been beaten up repeatedly people can even train for moments suggested in online chats ( T-groups for example which I can host / we can test) because people experience with others time and eventually, like on Mastodon or anything people's trigger or nerve gets hit with what someone said or they are sure if they mean it bad against you) then even in comfort, from tomorrow people can prepare to say hello to each other in real life (like if you would take my words now against you)... but with training one see there is not need to doubt others, just be comfortable in yourself... this is why I encourage Jitsi Meet chat while we can as a society... as those machine-minded are coming... you can test out a potential instant / ad-free / no-tracking / safe-as-we-know way here --->
and I'll even meet you there one day. (don't worry if it's too early and do expect one day you'll feel something but don't doubt me or yourself- I know this is a lot)

It is that classic thing of trusting banks, giving tax and then not covering anyone else because they might waste it :> better still they might give us life... and show us something... many things... <3

For speed I've left as it with a bit of edit - some genuine thoughts there in speed over any template of over-analysing you / overly thinking in terms of 'polite' or many 'societal' filters. I already think you're ok and able but you let me know anyway. Take one thing from each paragraph or whatever...

@freeschool Your response is proof-positive that the power of human mind to understand context, assess situations, and advance solutions is unfathomable. Your answers went well-beyond the questions asked and provided value I can't realize, but society-at-large can! And you took scarce time out of your finite lifespan to do this "trade-free" as @tio advocates. Imagine a society where everyone does what you and Tio do. At a minimum we could learn how to meet EVERYONE'S basic needs--and much more!


I wanted to appreciate your kind comments more and bask a bit in the sunlight of it... but there is a bit of time press while still enjoying of course! :L)

Imagining it is quite the most of it... Then others too can help tweak it out, usually already aligned but different words, but in the end really love and that page of values will be the toolkit help makes things work :L)

Basic needs... might come from
- those who have already
and quite comfortable, enjoy sharing / see benefits and new horizons with people work
- inherited land/forest etc... for food / keeping busy with nature

- and of course getting past money mentality (effectively acting like it's pure, holds value, is not just 1 big evolving misconception and ultimatum)....
That banks are not doing ok or any good. That will help us get back on to the right side by minimising the bank side / lessens bad stuff / avoids fake %'s on top of everything. Accepts we were wrong to base life on them.

Once people realise we just blew a few trillion a few times to 'bail' banks out from their own game, then we will stop paying for their fakery... and perhaps then pay people more respect more than money which buying things does.
Virtuous indeed but living it somewhat, and even getting closer to drawn lines...

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