'Money is ok' mentality need fixing... How to say it better...? 

Money is not a problem (???)
Money is just a tool (???)

Money as a man-made creation and set of rules is a big problem.
It's perhaps the #1 reason to problems as an integrated mentality developed over the years so when you use it you're already losing. This is a blind spot for people.

The top phrases are repeated as if they are not made by banks (even though some of these people hate banks)
Is it not a man-made design that helps force you in only using money? Not because it's the best tools for you but for them silly!

How can mice not see something that can cheat you (like an object that leaks) or continually go around the carnival thinking the games are not rigged.

Embedded unfairness. Plain and simple. Many can't do the maths to see it's debt creation by design. It's not just what the numbers say on the face of a printed paper. That is for you to pretend while in the background it's being drained siphoned and banks regularly taking public money because they suddenly don't have any (2008 etc).

It's a mistake in people's mind.
I'd like to adjust it but I guess it's hard for people to imagine why 'money' (or cheating people) is the best way for empires and how it centralises and changes in value using sub-tools and tweaks.
You have your stack and you don't see the changes or care over time... and of course it's tied well to food so we're grateful right... don't bite the banks hand... but eventually one has to really see that as the problem as there is not much healthy growth in people or world using money itself.

Please check yourself. Remember the worst things blend in various parts so if you want to see it as only a tool you can - but you have to give Banks and Government a bit more credit over the years! The art of money and manipulation, how they give loans to certain people, filter things... is everything but apolitical. How they make money themselves at the cost of others (called debt) can even be seen a minor point considering how much power and control it forced (along with the other tools like law and legal things that make you also use it). Put all you hard work and labour into one thing, very convenient. No probs.

This is really a decision-making tool for who lives and who dies (plus the debt added on top chaining people into the same scheme / cheating program adding %'s forever). You tell you kids "you have to sell yourself" in a lot of ways and it's not like all the jobs are well balance in pay (governments, banks and companies decide who get most, and well banking pays very well lol).

If people deliberately make something it's political and pre-decisions are made.
You don't get money fresh and think "ah yeah nothing happened before I got this money" or that it's your money.

Money is almost all deliberately designed politics (embedded decision making and many traps inbuilt) so rather than 'just a tool' or sort of optional thing it's actively taking from you and your efforts in life.

Money is so much more than just a rock or shell people exchange.

At the same time as anything good it's creating more problems all around the world and by the people it's created by (banks and government teamed together).

You trust them?
You support them?
Do you have a choice?

So it's not gret being check-mated and forced to also support their habits of feeding off people and mismanaging money and all their responsibilities they shirk and profit from.

How could you not see this happening before, already and now?

This particular person is also in the free-trade or freedom movement so contrasts how even those kinds of people to any degree or stereo-type almost don't mind money's chains or multiple layers chaining us and defer it to simplify it in some other way as if it's not THE problem.
Bad people (uncaring people) bad money and it wasn't designed overnight... a lot of time by empires and the whole history of people and fuckups deliberately.

Just some candy never mind let's take it. We have to anyway.

I will revise this but please someone help me (as well as the others) to articulate it better.

How can I say better how the two phrases at the top are far from correct?

An antidote to this disease is what we need as it's like the root epidemic to many things it connects and roots itself in) even in the freedom, free-software movement, or any movement / political reform...

@freeschool Free trade is not trade-free- get some education at tromsite.com
And you are very confused, because you can't see the difference between economics and money... It is two different things, mate. You can fully run economics without a money . Go study history first was born trade- apples for cow. As it is difficult to transfer 1000 cows around the world, so we have a tool money. And money become corrupted because we started to trade them🤣🤣🤣try some magic 🍄 to communicate with environment.

I think we will have to agree to try get our understanding from others since we've covered it....

(or rather I've covered it, you reply in short)... so let's move on.

I write lots (more technical) and you write short (like an average person)... and before this you were patchy in answering more detailed things much like TL;DR (which is up to you).

So while I do give chance to being confused, if you can't say how it's all wrong or say some human equation more something substantial then I'm sure we're in the wrong arena.

The holes in your defense make me feel pity to engage much.

If you agree about trade-free WHILE STILL USING AND NEEDING MONEY FOR THOSE THINGS then yes we're still missing something!
Some of that will help but not if you don't acknowledge the root evil / planned design.

And probably yes mushroom is the answer!... Until it wears off and we're back to your level of talking / understanding.

If I had mushrooms I might take them to get away from short writing and wondering how trade-free basis itself on needing money and not even able to acknowledge it's cruelty !

Money is corruption!

I wait for your ignore-all-the-points response.

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