

Saying your imagination out loud can be good and bad.
Some of that can be helped by considered who or where you say it before saying it.

So just within the the good and bad (ignoring some of the mixed middle ground) here in this post the saying out loud or wondering can allow and even enable people listening or looking to do it for you or help fulfil that wonder or possibility you mention... but also in a bad way maybe take advantage or do something with it not intended (you have to predict that somewhat in a world full of people!)

so we have to be careful both in the saying and listening... here's why in more detail but if you're happy with that- then that's the shorter version.


SAYING "I wonder if xyz is possible" can be good because you want it to happen (can also be as a throw-way or filler thought but for this example you think you want it).

FOR LISTENER have to be be careful as someone wondering doesn't mean they want help or want it right away or it should be like that etc...

There is a skill in decision making here... and overall it's always good to ask before assuming and rushing to help...

Yeah also consider people just wonder things a bit recklessly or from lack of some other emotions, and it can be just manipulation.

BUT IN A HEALTHY WAY assuming we know what the person wants or needs in this healthy realm means we or even a collective can practise improving thoughts and practically do many more things. Sometimes called "World building" help in each others thoughts via imagination and ping ponging / finishing each other's sentences etc.. imagining you're a super-hero coming to save the capitalistic world etc...

The good or bad effect depend on if people take it towards good or bad and how they take it (and to be honest sometimes we don't know until it's done which is why it's always good to ask permission or consider more the situation). Some people can even be offended or have feelings so this is why I'd like people to harmonise and be more accepting or aware.

In a bad commercial world let's say when you are saying or announcing "my leg is broken" this can allow that system to take advantage and aim to break your other leg or keep your existing leg in pain (to keep you on medication for example)... So if you know there are sharks around in the world it's good not to bait them... while finding the right people to talk to somehow. Mastodon for now...

At the same time someone else more helpful and personally accepting can hear that and give you crutches and might even be a doctor or find you a solution through their contacts... almost on the spot help to heal you troubles.


It can be a fine line but I think you could trust individual maybe even across the internet more than existing relationships tied to things! Find people who already love what they do and see that as the trust bond.

The cross-over from how messages are taken is like basic "announce" of things to work in two main ways as I see it here (positive and negative):


POSITIVE EXAMPLE in trusted area:

"I wonder if this could be done..."

"Imagine this colour like this but shape like that"

"I wish someone would take all these pictures and upload it for me"

(Then someone listening gets into action and does it or sees this as a sign of help- not always though!)



- Stealing your idea once you announce and seeing how others can get sucked into your idea AND changing the end result they get to bad

(quite like a lot of inventions or good spirited people forced into bad containers of money / business / profit)

- Taking your fears and making it worse / seeing your weaknesses

(quite like mass-media which I think gauges by announcing some big plan and seeing what reaction they get as a testing ground for whether they actually do it. So this can be a type of prediction tool)

- You end up designing it for them! (so by saying it or repeating fears often it can gets used like a manual on "how to attack me" like George Orwell's 1984 book which could have well designed what happened after or at least accelerated it if much of it didn't exist in 1984. He could have inadvertently wrote a book about "How to mess up the world" by over-predicting and imagining as if he was the designer (only to be right afterwards!)



Have to make sure it's with right people or calculate other ways it could go otherwise with bad people they'll only do more of the same bad job they are probably doing now.

Individuals are a lot safer than giving companies ideas.

I guess it's a big of a race without tripping over to do it too fast either- slowly but surely with quality is the more fool-proof way (including clarifying to our self as we go!)

what we want or why we say it doesn't always match up to logic or read reason...
Emotions can make us say things we don't exactly want... so this is a very human thing often not always scientific or absolute in terms of what we see or hear or understand when speaking or listening.

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