@ntnsndr @matrix @nextcloud
NOW-ISH, Least Painless, accessible way FOR ALL PEOPLE / PLATFORMS / BROWSERS (almost all)...
1. https://call.trom.tf/
2. Enter a room name (lowercase)
3. Login using "tromcall" for both username and password to create a unique public session each time.
4. DONE! send url you're in to friend.
Now you have video / audio / screen share etc already and ready to chat!
URL can be accessed by anyone and has basic interface that even an old person can probably manage to see by icon on the on-screen display...
Let me know if it takes more than 3mins to get in and actually setup to talk ...
...with no extra software - basic browser and WebRTC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC)!
Original post and Trom.tf service (anyone can setup on own servers too):
@freeschool Thanks:) You can start using @matrix at the Matrix.org instance: https://matrix.org/try-matrix/
My lab self-hosts Matrix and accesses it through our @nextcloud instance: https://handbook.medlab.host/technology