War on sharing... (RMS Quotes) "Never use a product whose purpose is to deny your freedom"...
"...because in their war on sharing, they will go to whatever lengths they find necessary to maintain their dominion over people." @01h33m26s
"Never use a product whose purpose is to deny your freedom..." @01h34m14s
"We have to put an end to this entirely. We must end the war on sharing by legalising sharing explicitly saying "Everyone has the right to share copies", now sharing means non-commercial redistribution of copies. It would be limited to that." 01h34m51s
Source Video: "For A Free
Digital Society" - Richard M. Stallman
[Video link page has no adverts / is an Invidious filtered link]
#RMS #Quote #GNU #Linux
"GNU / Linux" not just "Linux"....
#FreeSchool #FreeSoftware #FOSS
#Freedom not just #OpenSource