"People are not so clever" is the answer to most conversation going wrong / not even starting? Are people *so scared* or insecure (etc...) that Corporations can just tap into an endless source of the same fear and doubt (even about people's own shadow) and play people off each other?... even on Fediverse?
Are people *so scared* or insecure (etc) ? that they think about everything else than the obvious in humans?
Is it like a fear of their own own shadow since they can't take their own agency and give it up for fear?
As time goes on I'm trying to lean less people are the same everywhere... and not really different on Fediverse more than a bit more enlightened...
#Question #Fediverse pretty much same as #Twitter - a bit more clever but same isms / shadow jumping?
Conversation example below after no answer and time in between:
●Me●: Did you see the few replies I sent to some of your posts?
●Person X●: Yes, I did. I can't figure out if you're a bot, or what your angle is, or what your goal is. I don't know if you're selling something, or looking for a pen pal, or trying to generate traffic, or what.
●Me● Ok, fair enough with the thoughts, so it's none of those but perhaps the obvious one that we're on social.... and occasionally than means talking... to each other?
How come that normal social isn't in the list and all the far-out seems to be?
Like you post good stuff and expect nothing ?
Honestly surprising after all the genuine interest, but I appreciate your honesty - just tell me you can't do anything but fear like this and I'll go away and leave you to it if you like...
Did they buy the propaganda that AI is doing everything already OMG - if it's a tactic people are successfully making it work against others... using what is the same "people are not so clever" endless source.
- FreeSchool