Why bad news and bad stories would be ok and even beneficial to people (TLDR - any activity usually generates guarenteed income / traffic / market increase / interest etc....)
Some examples, each starting with █ below:
█ When the parent company is the same as the daughter company or similar product they are shaming it wouldn't matter showing something else as 'better' and shaming the other because they are all the same company or partners
█ That's why "google syndication" has been the winner and staple in a lot of things. All works whichever way it goes for Google by more and more collectively.
█ Seen 2 big computer stores opposite each other or 2 big Supermarkets opposite each other Aldi / Albert / Lidle - not an accident - they both thrive from when the other does sugar or oil cheaper and people visit both.
█ Running down hospitals - UK is perfected this. Another flavour of #Fuckery imagine, is people running down hospitals only to sell it to their sister company or partners under a different name.
#UKPol but the same "Politricks" Politics ] everywhere - it's the same thing whereever money is involved, with exits / takeovers / buyouts etc...
█ Showing negative on me is fine if we are in it together and even commercial honesty / truth / shit-throwing works if activity is for everyone which slowly it's becoming or "under one roof" Google has because.
█ Airlines share data on websites so when you switch they know what dates you're looking for and both increment prices the more you ping each site thinking the price might change (yes before it might go lower, now only higher so looking 2/3 times max otherwise they know how desperate you are - even without you other data from elsewhere talking about holidays etc).
Airlines benefit collectively like supermarkets though can seem counter-intuitive or even risky business to trust them but increasingly it's proven undeniable profit together... so they do it.
And to finish a typical phrase which says it nicely:
█ All news is good news.
(Although there might be variations this really says the other meanings quite well though takes a few seconds to sink in!)
Hope my examples helped! #Hospitals #Airlines #Supermarkets #Shops #Malls #UnderOneRoof #Syndication #Google #Internet #Business #Politics