Why Some People DON'T See Things Clearly or Similarly....
Why Some People DON'T See Things Clearly or Similarly....
Interested in you #answers 4:
The subtitle of a #book suggests answering that... (this book https://qoto.org/@drewfer/106066795947769715)
So if anything comes to mind in genera or if anyone has ideas reading this text and 1st line of this post... let me know!
Some ideas are below (apart from those that know and choose not to do things)
- Lack of Sleep
- Bad time management
(including having little time but still not forcing themselves into constructive habits and not just time-dumps into the next series and watching empty TV)
- Bad Environment (House-hold included that don't encourage much more of the same - watching TV included)
- Self-confidence and getting over humps
- Not enough random people and people out of family circles able to help others... estrangement grows more estrangement
- add yours here ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️