PEOPLE BUILDING FRIENDSHIP ? Seems people don't see the point!
Seriously, I think this is a real reflection of how people do things in real life right now, they just want to stick to job, buy food and the rest is too much / uncreative as any willpower -
Having AI or machine to chat to is not far off the destination ... some feel-good thing is what people want to replace (not with human by machine as we see in all levels of life). That is about right as the "Hi-Bye" attitude increases between people and then saying "oh isn't it terrible this happens or look at that they are doing (and what we are not doing).
It's "too much" to deal with or try saying people to try... try investing in building relationships. I understand it is wanting to be avoided (as closed doors act as defence also) but all is being lost and EXTERNALIZED by people that way. Community reduced and looking after people with it.
Like the other things in their life,
it's for someone else to do.
So not surprising and not only companies to blame. PEOPLE themselves (even on Fediverse) feed that very short-range circular don't-both-me (even if you're my fan) thing and aesthetic FROM their real life equivalent because they don't want it / they've lost the reasoning why... shelled up...
Contact pages on websites and then suspicion when you do contact them. Smiling faces, short-text as practice.
And as for Tech (in short, forgive me):
"People like their computers and devices more than people"
So more than me or you they rather program or have what doesn't talk back unless it's in a way they want..
No finding of reasons build with me (or help build me as a person) - lost the whole growing one's self thing - quite immature still and staying stagnant as the world encroaches on people like that.
Perhaps almost all people doing that "For The Way" is too much but it can solve almost anything for those that want to choose 'something else' more that devices and BigTech to fund / propel our lives.
Reality is we can do it because we already are (alone) and like a lot of stuff and even can tap into new randomly also. But that's too much like going to a new type gym and new as muscle set...
Regularly people choose nothing / I'm ok jack / why help you / me / 'the world' incrementally.
In my experience trying I can detail and say why but I'll try keep it short... (I probably said it all)
So long-story short, not many want to fix it or most anything ...
who wants to follow the ball of string to find why or grow people which we could have done anytime we chose but anyway nobody to talk to even about that LOL!
The Will / Perseverance is so scarce...
So if you too have anything more than just reaction here as the same kind of short ways online, let me know both of you.
Your lack of answer might also be a good indicator.
#AI #relationships
#Real #Imperfect #People
Computers are more #Perfect / Perfectly #disposable no?