🍎 #Seed #Growing #Apples 🍎 Starts by remembering to spit out the apple seeds while eating or cut the apple first and not throw away mature seeds...!
🍎 #Seed #Growing #Apples 🍎
Starts by remembering to spit out the apple seeds while eating or cut the apple first and not throw away mature seeds...!
Then planting outside for random chance or in fridge for lab type start - if you can do both otherwise seeds on their own planted outside if you lots then 1 might grow - literally 100's come from 1 tree so not bad odds with a bit of remembering... 🍎 🍑 🍐
WHY? Apples are quite the infinite fruit - I have tons... and just have to remember to spit seeds out and pick a place after potting!
#EARTH for the next generation
P.S ok I resorted to half eating and breaking it open or just cutting the apple (but who does that!) 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍎