Human-orientated “Solving” a problem DOES NOT mean problem is totally gone,... a lot of this is on-going...
“Solving” a problem DOES NOT mean problem is totally gone,... a lot of this are on-going...
We know that this isn’t how "problem" between people and machines works.
We’re mostly human after all!
Humans need care / maintenance / peer support (paid and unpaid).
There will always be #conflict, #injustice, and #oppression that needs #transformation and #healing itself (people being higher priority than computers).
These problems will show up in everything we’re building. So help 'build' better people... Right?
This all means we must design solutions with these challenges in mind FOR better people, instead of trying to build perfect #tech solutions that will "end all our problems" but not work on connecting people while improving the humans themselves.
Could call this mental health, upgrading our logic chip, improving the fallacies and fairy tales we were born into and parents hid from us (like money and banks paying for both sides of #war). Right?
We just have to commit to the daily work of building the HUMAN ORIENTATED world we want which basic tech can help do but needs human to actually help other humans. Right?
Or just focus on tech... which is made largely by #BigTech and #Banks?